Apex Legends Season 8 is finally here and fans are enjoying the mayhem that all the new content is bringing to the fast-paced battle royale. Season 8's arrival brought the explosive Legend Fuse along with a destroyed King's Canyon redesign and a new weapon called the 30-30 Repeater.
However, that's not all the new content coming to Apex Legends in the coming week, according to prominent data miners online. Alongside new events and cosmetics for Fuse, Apex Legends leaker and dataminer SWL has revealed the final design for Bangalore's heirloom: a hooked, serrated knife with a golden sheen.
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For readers who may not know what heirlooms are in Apex Legends, they are special items specific to each Legend that they carry when their weapons are holstered. Each heirloom set comes with the special item, a special banner pose, and a special intro quip. Heirlooms in Apex Legends are extremely rare items and require the use of heirloom shards to unlock the set. For now, it seems that fans only get to see what Bangalore's heirloom item will be, and not her banner pose or intro quip.
As for when Bangalore's heirloom will be added to Apex Legends, there's a pretty good chance it will appear in the next Town Takeover event. During the last Fight Night Town Takeover event Gibraltar's heirloom collection was added to the game. Luckily, fans already have a good idea of what the next Town Takeover event will be like, though only through more leaked information. While this information hasn't been officially confirmed, there's a good chance the information found through these leaks will be fairly accurate.
According to Apex Legends dataminer and leaker Biast12 the next Town Takeover event involves Caustic and his poisonous gas traps. Unfortunately, players don't know exactly when this Town Takeover event is coming to Apex Legends, but dataminers have given us a vague idea of when we can expect it. Teaser information was found within the game's code, with dates for February 1, 25, 27, and March 1 labeled within.
While those dates are not likely to be set in stone, there's a good chance Caustic's Town Takeover event is coming sometime in March. When the event starts, players will probably see the inclusion of Bangalore's heirloom as well. Before then, though, players should look forward to Apex Legends' Anniversary Collection event, which will offer up a bunch of new and returning cosmetics for most of the Legends in the game. Until Caustic's Town Takeover event, player's should take the time to enjoy all the brand new content coming to Apex Legends in Season 8.
Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, and will release for the Switch on March 9.