Wraith is not only the most commonly used legend, she is regarded by many as the best to use in Apex. Since the game was released, there have been more professional Wraith mains than any other class. Although there is technically no difference in mobility between Wraith and larger legends such as Pathfinder and Gibraltar, she feels more agile and quicker than the others. Players perceive that Wraith is faster and more mobile because players have a point of view that is closer to the ground. Her animations and abilities appear smoother and more seamless as well.
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Players that enjoy faced-paced attacking gameplay will enjoy using Wraith, who is an offensive legend. Despite her utility offensively, her abilities provide ways to back out of a gunfight as well. Players that want to learn how to use the popular legend properly should review the tactics and methods outlined in this guide.

Wraith has the ability to detect when enemies have spotted her. If an enemy is looking down sight at Wraith, she will shout out "someone is looking at me." The passive ability gives players an extra layer of awareness when running in open spaces. If Wraith shouts "someone is sniping at me," players need to be extremely careful. If the opponent is using a Kraber, just one shot can take out a fully armored player. Wraith's passive ability will save the lives of Apex gamers in seemingly every match. Voices from the void will also indicate if an enemy is throwing a grenade, if there are traps nearby, and if there are enemies or dead bodies in the vicinity. Wraith has one of the most functional passive abilities of any Legend.

Wraith's tactical ability, Into The Void, makes her the most effective attacking player in the game. She was designed to be the most aggressive player on each team. Wraith can run into a gunfight, do as much damage as possible, and retreat to safety. Into The Void gives Wraith users increased speed and an invulnerability that lasts for about four seconds. The tactical ability takes 1.25 seconds to activate and 25 seconds to cool down. The ability is an extremely effective way to exit a gunfight and rotate to an advantageous position.
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Players need to keep in mind that activating the tactical will cause Wraith to move slowly for the 1.25 seconds before it is activated. A method to avoid the decreased movement speed is to use the ability after gaining momentum by sliding off of an object. Wraith mains that activate the tactical while sliding will have a much better chance of getting out of a fight unscathed. Opponents that see a Wraith use Into The Void should get as many shots on the character as possible before she disappears. Apex gamers should also keep in mind that they will not be able to use their weapon or open doors while in the void.

Wraith's ultimate ability is Dimensional Rift. The Ultimate allows Wraith to create a portal from one location to the next. The portal can be used in a variety of ways, but most importantly it can save a team that is caught in an inescapable position. The portal can be placed up to 75 meters away from where the Dimensional Rift was initiated. If they have time, players can ping to make sure that the location they want to portal to is close enough.
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Once placed, the portal will remain active until Wraith's ultimate has recharged to 29%. Apex players need to remember that the ring will collapse, and use the collapse to their advantage. By timing the collapse correctly, teams can use the portal right before its collapse and prevent opposing teams from chasing them through the void. Additionally, Wraiths ability can be canceled if gamers press the ultimate after engaging it. After about 5% of Wraiths power has been lost, she can no longer cancel the ability. In ranked matches, Wraith can bait opponents by using the ultimate and canceling it. Enemy teams will assume that they now have a three versus two scenario, when in reality, Wraith is ready to take them out.
When teams are pinched, Wraith is there to bail them out with the portal. Wraith players should always initiate the ultimate behind cover and place the second portal behind cover. Pinched teams can simply hop into the portal and teleport to safety. Teams can use the portal when a player is downed and needs to be revived as well. Downed players can pass through the portal as long as it is placed on the ground. It is crucial that Wraith does not jump before initiating her ultimate, as downed players will not be able to pass through it.
Dimensional Rift can be equally effective at offensive tactics, such as a third-party gunfight or flank. The portal provides teams with the ability to get from danger to safety in an instant, and it is one of the best ways to re-position in Apex. Wraith can also use her tactical ability instantly while Dimensional Rift is active to avoid gunfire. There are so many ways to use the portal that it is difficult to identify the preeminent method to use the ultimate.

Wraith can use her portal to transport enemies right to her two teammates. Gamers that are bold enough to attempt a kidnapping should place the portal right on the heels of an opponent. Most players will see Wraith in the void moving toward them and will move backward slightly. Kidnapping is not easy, and players that want to try it must study enemy movement before wasting their ultimate ability. Wraiths need to make sure they have Into The Void active when kidnapping to avoid being downed while Dimensional Rift is active.