Tuesday, 13 April 2021 20:07

Dungeons & Dragons: The 15 Best Weapons For Clerics (& Where They're Usually Found)

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Dungeons & Dragons has evolved enough so that even a Cleric can wield a damage-dealing weapon, and here are the best for this healing class.

Healers such as Clerics remain a constant in adventuring parties due to their invaluable healing abilities. In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e), Clerics remain a popular class to pick for players who want to have healers with a diverse set of skills.

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In 5e, gone are the days when Clerics stayed behind tanky allies to prioritize healing the party. A lot of players are now finding more ways to make their Clerics more versatile characters in their campaigns. Clerics who want to deal just as much damage as they heal can refer to this guide to the ten best Cleric weapons in D&D 5e.

Updated on 14 April 2021 by Rhenn Taguiam: Clerics in Dungeons & Dragons 5e don’t always have to stay in the rear to heal. In fact, some of the strongest Clerics can perform in the front lines as warriors. With the right combination of abilities and spells, Clerics can dish out some heavy damage to help protect their friends from the fiercest of foes. However, more combat-oriented Clerics may need to rely on a couple more weapons to ensure they can bash heads whene they need to. New additions to this list come in the form of swords, staves, and even a wand that Clerics may acquire as heirlooms or signs of divine guidance. 

15 Frost Brand

Clerics who want to add an elemental spin to their gear will appreciate Frost Brand. This sword deals 1d6 Cold damage to enemies while giving the wielder Fire resistance. The blade also emits light (10 feet bright, 10 feet dim) when exposed in freezing temperatures. For added effect, drawing Frost Brand will extinguish all flames of nonmagical origin within 30 feet of the wielder. 

Introduced in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, this Very Rare (Requires Attunement) sword serves as the counterpart to Flame Tongue. Given its rarity, Clerics can acquire Frost Brand in an ancient temple or a holy site of a deity attuned with frost.

14 Holy Avenger

Situated atop the pinnacle of holy weapons lies the Holy Avenger, a Magic Weapon fit for the avatar of the deities. Wielders gain +3 Attack Rolls and +3 Damage Rolls. In addition, Undead creatures take extra 2d10 Radiant damage should their flesh meet the Holy Avenger. Additionally, drawing the weapon releases a 10-foot aura of light that grants advantage on Saving Throws against magical effects. 

Unlike other weapons in the list, Holy Avenger requires the attunement of the Paladin. As such, Clerics interested in using the weapon would need to multiclass as a holy knight. However, DMs may make an exception by granting Holy Avenger as a reward from the Cleric’s Patron Deity.

13 *Sword of Life Stealing

Clerics who want a darker theme to their signature weapon might want to hunt for the Sword of Life Stealing. This Rare (Requires Attunement) Magic Weapon deals 3d6 Necrotic damage to its target during a critical hit. The wielder also obtains Temporary HP equal to the aforementioned extra damage. However, Clerics should note that this weapon won’t work against Undead or Constructs.

This Sword might seem uncharacteristic for an ordinary Cleric to wield. However, Clerics who want an alternative to the stereotypical “holy” weapon can find the Sword of Life Stealing in the temple of a dark deity. Clerics who have taken a grim turn in their alignment may have the Sword to blame for their crisis (or enlightenment?) of faith. 

12 Staff of Healing

Clerics devoted to life and the healing arts should seek the Staff of Healing. This staff (Requires Attunement) is a common enough Magic Item for Clerics to acquire from their holy order. Additionally, its effects do complement the role expected for Clerics, especially in times of crises. 

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Wielders can use an Action to spend one or more of the Staff’s ten charges to potent Healing Spells (Mass Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Cure Wounds). However, losing all charges will force players to roll a d20, where a 1 will force the Staff to blink out of existence. Thankfully, the Staff does regain its charges daily. 

11 Wand of the War Mage

Though Clerics devote themselves to protection, that doesn’t mean they hesitate in battle. Clerics with a penchant for head bashing will suit the Wand of the War Mage. This Wand comes in three variants (Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare), each more potent than the last. The Wand provides a Spell Attack Roll bonus denoted by its rarity. Additionally, it certifies a Cleric’s training in Combat Spellcasting, granting them the privilege to ignore half cover when making Spell Attacks.

The variations of rarity implies that multiple Wands exist throughout the world. In turn, Clerics may acquire them from specialized vendors. Perhaps Clerics need to become part of a secret cabal of warrior-casters to gain access to the weapon.

10 The Mace

Nothing beats a classic. Clerics about to start an adventure won't go wrong with a trusty mace. Pair this weapon with a shield, and a Cleric can pack a punch while having a decent Armor Class (AC).

A mace is a simple melee weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning on a hit. It's not as versatile as a longsword, but it gets the job done. It's also a great weapon to get while you farm for a more powerful item. As a mace is an item of Standard rarity, Clerics can get it from the local blacksmith or weapons shop.

9 Ring Of Spell Storing

A Ring of Spell Storing sounds nothing like a weapon. As the name implies, this ring will cast any spell stored in it. Moreover, a spell cast from this ring uses the same properties as though cast by the original caster. Spells cast from the ring will be expended, and there will be space to store another spell.

Clerics attuned to this rare item can store offensive spells onto it to make room in their Prepared Spells for healing abilities. This ring can help clerics offer more skills to the party during battles. Players can get this ring from magical places such as wizarding schools or ancient libraries.

8 Javelin Of Lightning

The Javelin of Lightning is a perfect weapon for Clerics under the Tempest Domain. This javelin becomes a bolt of lightning when hurled. Should this happen, creatures within a five-foot-wide line in between the Cleric and the target have to make a DC 13 Dex save or suffer 4d6 lightning damage.

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Using the Javelin of Lightning's unique ability reduces it into a standard magic weapon until the next dawn. This caveat means Cleric should probably use this ability on a strong opponent. Either way, ordinary javelins can deal 1d6 damage and can be both be used in melee or thrown to targets. Players can acquire this weapon of Uncommon rarity from exotic weapon stores, or when visiting trading ports.

7 Flame Tongue

No one has to deny it - having a flaming sword is nothing short of impressive. Flame Tongue makes this dream come true by making a chosen sword possess a fiery blade. Players wielding Flame Tongue can cast a command word to cause flames to engulf its blade. If this weapon hits a target, the target suffers an additional 2d6 fire damage. This ability makes this weapon perfect not just for Fighters but for any class.

Clerics who want to spice up their hits with the "fiery wrath" of their deity should definitely get this rare weapon. The additional light source it provides can make it a great asset in dark environments. Players can acquire Flame Tongue from mysterious treasure chests, or as a reward from a powerful wizard.

6 Mace Of Disruption

Clerics often get associated with maces, and the Mace of Disruption makes this stereotype something to fear. Any kind of Cleric using a mace may want to consider having it enchanted to this rare item. Mace of Disruption takes the form of any mace and, when held, releases both bright and dim lighting.

Mace of Disruption may seem unhelpful in most encounters. However, its magic shines when used against the undead and fiends. Clerics that hit these kinds of opponents will add 2d6 radiant damage to their total damage output. Not only that, but targets that end up with 25 HP or lower after taking that bonus damage will have to succeed a Wisdom save (DC 15) or be destroyed! Clerics can acquire a Mace of Disruption in sacred sites. They may also try asking their respective deity's representatives for assistance. Clerics that want to wield the Mace of Disruption needs to be Attuned with it.

5 Sun Blade

Clerics wielding Sun Blade will get a longsword hilt that can unleash a blade of radiant light when activated. Yes, Clerics can go Star Wars in D&D.

Sun Blade is a rare +2 shortsword with the Finesse property. Aside from this, the blade deals radiant damage instead of slashing damage. Since it has a blade of pure light, Sun Blade can emit a bright light that can be expanded or reduced. Similar to Flame Tongue, getting Sun Blade can add great flavor to a Cleric character. It can also deal additional 1d8 radiant damage to undead opponents. This weapon may be present in ancient temples or sacred grounds.

4 Staff Of Thunder And Lightning

Clerics who have the Staff of Thunder and Lightning can use the very elements against their opponents. This staff gives Clerics access to five unique abilities that can be used once per dawn. Each of these can either add extra damage or cause status ailments to targets.

The Staff of Thunder and Lightning allows Clerics to use its abilities once per dawn, giving Clerics five turns to perform new actions on top of their existing skill-set. However, this staff can still be a great asset as a weapon alone, as players can treat this as a +2 Quarterstaff. As a Very Rare item that requires attunement, players will most likely get this staff after important quests or from a powerful magic-user.

3 Hammer Of Thunderbolts

Clerics who want to be like Thor, God of Thunder, should get Hammer of ThunderboltsThis Hammer requires Clerics to equip the Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Belt of Giant Strength before the attunement. Clerics attuned to this weapon gets a +4 Strength score boost. Moreover, this weapon destroys giants that fail a DC 17 Con save when suffering a critical hit. The Hammer also allows Clerics to make ranged attacks that can create a thunderclap capable of stunning opponents.

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Attunement to the Hammer requires the acquisition of the Belt of Giant Strength (Rare) and Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Uncommon). This requirement might seem daunting, but getting the items above can be done at the beginning of a campaign. A Strength-based Cleric can become juggernauts on the battlefield with these items. As a Legendary item, Clerics can expect this weapon to be tough to find. This weapon can either be found in ancient dwarven fortresses or inside dwarven cities.

2 Moonblade

Clerics with Moonblade can gain access to many abilities, which makes this weapon a versatile addition to their arsenal. Elves have passed down Moonblade from generation to generation. Upon acquisition, the Moonblade has at least one rune that grants a unique ability. Given its in-game history, Moonblade adds a lot of flair to any adventuring party. As a sentient weapon, it can communicate through feelings and has a personality of its own. Plus, the possibility of having two to seven additional features can make Moonblade extremely powerful.

Unlike other weapons in this list, aside from Attunement, Moonblade requires players to be a half-elf or an elf with a Neutral Good alignment. As a coveted Legendary weapon in elven society, players may find this in noble houses or ancient elven sites.

1 Defender

Clerics that want to tank can finally see this dream become a reality with Defender. Defender is a +3 magic weapon in the form of a longsword. However, it's this weapon's versatility that can make a Cleric more than capable of going melee. First attacks Clerics with Defender every round allow Clerics to transfer +1 to +3 of Defender's bonus to their AC. This ability can help Clerics defend themselves or others in times of need.

Players can acquire this Legendary item in places of royalty. As a Legendary weapon, DMs may give Defender as a quest reward.

NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: The 10 Best Weapons For Bard (& Where They're Usually Found)

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