Monday, 01 January 2024 00:11

Resident Evil 9 Sticking to Fantasy Should Come with a Huge Change to Gameplay

Written by Jared Stewart
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Resident Evil 9 debuted a blend of dark fantasy into its science-fiction horror, though its arsenal of weapons sadly wasn't representative of that.

Resident Evil always used to be a science-fiction action-thriller and in many ways it still is. That said, Resident Evil has recently taken more steps toward fantasy, even if that’s been achieved once more through science-fiction means. The werewolves and vampires Ethan defends himself from in Resident Evil Village aren’t actually werewolves and vampires, for example, and Resident Evil explains that away via the Cadou parasite and the Mold. This has been terrific, though, since the explanation allows Resident Evil to play around with fantasy tropes while remaining fully dedicated to its science-fiction roots, especially since the two genres conflate and intermingle so often now anyway.

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