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Saturday, 05 June 2021 03:30

Biomutant: 10 Best Mutations, Ranked | Game Rant

Written by Beau Low
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Be they biogenetic abilities, psi powers, or resistances, these mutations should be a top priority for players to get.

Biomutant is a post-apocalyptic RPG where players control a small, anthropomorphic animal journeying across the remains of a ruined world. Players are able to customize their build in a number of different ways, from learning powerful Wung Fu techniques to choosing which of the six tribes they will join.

Related: Biomutant: How To Upgrade Mekton

Mutations are unlockable skills that come in three varieties; biogenetic abilities, psi powers, and resistances. Biogenetic mutations and resistance buffs are both obtained by spending bio-points, while psi powers are upgraded with psi points. Throughout the course of the game, players will find more than enough points to greatly increase their resistances and select whichever powers complement their playstyle.

10 Biohazard Resistance Is Great For Unlocking New Mutations

By the end of the game, players should have enough bio-points to max out all of their resistances. However, during the early levels, it can be hard to know which resistance is the most important to level up first.

Biohazard resistance is especially useful in the early game for killing Morks, an insectile enemy spawned from toxic flowers. Killing these enemies is much easier if players are resistant to their poisonous attacks, and upon death, each one will drop a single bio-point. Farming these enemies is a great way to obtain new biogenetic mutation and resistance buffs much faster, allowing players to quickly level up their abilities in the early game.

9 Keep Swarms Of Enemies At Bay With Rad Wasps

The colorful world of Biomutant is packed with a wide variety of creatures and monsters, some of which can be tamed to use as mounts. It is common for low-level enemies to attack in groups as they try to overwhelm the protagonist.

For six bio-points, players can unlock the Rad Wasp ability which allows them to shoot radioactive bullets at their enemies. Since these projectiles are homing, this ability is very useful for strafing groups of monsters and shooting at them from a distance. Range builds will find this ability very useful for dealing constant damage to foes, while they focus on dodging or reloading their weapon.

8 Spark Ball Is A Spell For Mages Only

There are six classes for players to choose from in Biomutant, each with its own special starting perk. Different classes work best with specific builds, although players can unlock many of their starting perks later on in the game if they wish to.

This is not the case with the Psi freak class, which gains a unique spell that cannot be accessed by other builds. The Spark Ball is a spell that uses relatively little Ki and can be charged to deal extra damage. This spell replaces the Sizzle Ball and is generally a useful ability for budding magic builds in the early game.

7 Launch Enemies Into The Air With A Mud Punch

With so many abilities and perks to choose from, players can adapt their character to suit any playstyle they wish. By combining mutations with other skills and buffs, is possible to create devastating synergies that are both effective and fun to use.

Related: Biomutant: Best Builds For Melee Combat

The Mud Punch mutation isn't that useful by itself as it launches enemies into the air, but doesn't deal very much damage. However, this ability can be used to create an awesome melee build by combining it with specific Wung Fu techniques. Once a monster is airborne, players can use the air strike move to perform a powerful aerial attack.

6 Escape Dangerous Situations With Blaze

As with any RPG, players should beware of taking on any challenge that is too difficult for their current level. Taking on late-game enemies, or being caught by swarms of smaller creatures can quickly become overwhelming and in these situations, players may require a quick escape route.

Blaze is one of the cheapest Psi powers in the game, only costing two points, and it can be picked by any character regardless of their moral alignment. This skill propels the protagonist forward leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Not only does this make a great dodge move that damages enemies as well as helping to avoid them, but it can also be used to run away from tough fights when necessary.

5 Use Mucus Bubbles To Roll Through Enemies

Whether using ranged or melee attacks, combat in Biomutant can quickly become very hectic. Even with some of the strongest weapons in the game, players will still need to find time to heal. This is easier when battling a single large target, but much harder when contending with hordes of smaller enemies.

One biogenetic mutation that is useful for staying alive is the Mucus Bubble. This power encapsulates the player in a bubble that still allows them to jump and run as normal. Bumping into enemies will cause them to become stuck to the outside of the bubble and they will fly away again when it is popped. Players can heal normally inside of their bubble meaning they can use it to hold creatures at bay while they recover their health.

4 Manipulate The Game World With Telekinesis

The morality system in Biomutant revolves around collecting light and dark aura points from visiting shrines, interacting with captives, or picking specific dialogue options. Since aura dictates which Psi-powers a character can unlock, some players may struggle to decide which alignment they want to follow.

Obtaining the Telekinesis ability will require 10 psi-points and a dark aura of 20. This power allows players to pick up static objects and smaller enemies so that they can be hurled or placed elsewhere on the map. Outside of combat, this skill can be used to create bridges or jumping platforms for reaching obscure areas

3 Moth Mouth Makes Enemies Fight Each Other

Sometimes the easiest way to kill monsters in Biomutant is to stay away from them, at least until the player unlocks Mekton. There are a wide variety of powerful ranged weapons, as well as mutations, that can be used to wreak havoc from a safe distance.

Moth Mouth enables the main character to spray a green plume from their mouth that will cause afflicted enemies to fight each other instead of the player. This is especially useful when dealing with large groups, as elite monsters can be turned against their allies while the player waits to mop up the weakened enemies left over at the end.

2 Teleport Straight Into Combat With Blink

The map in Biomutant is vast and filled with hidden areas, some of which contain exceptionally good loot. While the automaton has a variety of useful movement functions, mutations can also be a great way of traversing the map in style.

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Blink is a short-range teleport skill that only costs two psi-points to unlock. As well as allowing players to reach inaccessible areas, this skill can also be used to teleport directly into a group of enemies. Doing this causes the character to emit a shockwave upon reappearing that will damage hostile creatures and put the player in perfect range for melee.

1 Use Fungi To Create Instant Jump Pads

Not all mutations have to used aggressively. Some abilities have other useful applications when it comes to exploring or journeying across the game world. The Fungi upgrade costs four bio-points and is worth getting as soon as possible.

This biogenetic mutation allows players to place mushrooms anywhere in the game world that act as jump pads. These can be placed under enemies to launch them into the air for aerial combos, or used by the player to jump higher and reach difficult spots. While this skill requires timing to use effectively, it certainly makes for one of the more entertaining ways to travel around the map in Biomutant.

Next: Biomutant: How To Get Superb Loot In Namby

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