Monday, 21 October 2024 17:25

One Year Later, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Still Has Some Loose Ends

Written by Josh Cotts
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has now been out for a year, but some loose ends involving potential DLC, leaks, and rumors have yet to be confirmed or denied.

October 20, 2024 officially marked the first anniversary of Insomiac Games' Marvel's Spider-Man 2, which continues the overarching narrative of the first game and the series' spin-off title, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Despite the hype bullet train the sequel was on ahead of its release and the general praise it received from critics, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 eventually proved to be a bit more divisive than it was initially perceived to be, largely due to its handling of the story. However, two days after the game's anniversary, that divisiveness is among the least of any concerns about Marvel's Spider-Man 2, as its future ahead of the series' third and final installment has largely been laid to waste.

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