Friday, 09 July 2021 15:38

Pokemon Fan Builds LEGO Versions of the Sinnoh Region Starters

Written by Joseph Carew
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A Pokemon fan studies official artwork and builds the final evolutions of the three Sinnoh region starters completely out of LEGO.

Pokemon fans have flexed their creativity for years when it comes to making tributes. The Pokemon community has produced everything from inventive new fusions of existing Pokemon to unique maps of the more famous Pokemon regions. In a recent post, one such dedicated fan shared their design and recreation of the three iconic Sinnoh starters in LEGO form.

In Pokemon's Sinnoh region players have the option between Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup which evolve into Torterra, Infernape, and Empoleon, respectively. As of this moment, there is no official version of these Pokemon in LEGO form or similar collaboration. LEGO, as a medium for recreations such as these, can ask a lot from its user. Individual pieces can be purchased with relative ease but, though the catalog is impressive, it doesn't give endless flexibility when it comes to designs.

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U/eyemcantoeknees' build of these three final evolutions for the Sinnoh starters is a tremendous achievement. It is fair to say these LEGO renditions of Torterra, Infernape, and Empoleon look as though they were legitimate affiliated products of LEGO and Pokemon. The colors are a near perfect match to the in-game designs and each build is immediately recognizable. The builder mentions that these designs were created through careful study and interpretation of official artwork and toys and it truly shows. They then needed to take that research and locate all the needed individual LEGO pieces and combine it all successfully. The amount of difficult steps is what makes this and similar LEGO projects all the more impressive.

U/eyemcantoeknees mentions in the comments that these builds took a tremendous amount of trial and error. Those interested in the process have to, from scratch, match individual LEGO pieces to areas of the original Pokemon design. And after doing so for the whole, hope everything comes together in a sensible way.

The most impressive piece of this post is the fact that U/eyemcantoeknees is working through the entire process basically without official guidelines. Making these LEGO Pokemon based solely off of artwork and toys takes their work to another level. And their creations and post have gotten other Pokemon fans craving an official version of these builds.

The overwhelmingly positive reaction to this post makes the lack of an official version puzzling. The proof that a design can be made (and made well) exists right here in this post. It may be just that the lack of collaboration between LEGO and Pokemon on something such as this just hasn't been seen as a priority. Either way, interested fans can look to u/eyemcantoeknees for these designs and likely more work as well.

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