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Tuesday, 27 July 2021 02:26

BioWare Reveals Which Characters Are Most Likely to Survive Mass Effect 2's Suicide Mission

Written by Callum Williams
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BioWare offers a look at which squadmates players save most frequently in Mass Effect 2's Suicide Mission, with surprising results.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has been out for a few months now, allowing players to make their way through the first three games in the franchise with new visuals, improved mechanics, and plenty of quality-of-life updates. It's also offered players the opportunity to return to some of their favorite moments from the original trilogy, including the battle on Virmire, helping Mordin created the Genophage cure, and, of course, Mass Effect 2's iconic Suicide Mission.

It seems the latter has been forcing fans to make some tough choices since Mass Effect: Legendary Edition dropped, with the remaster's official Twitter account posting stats showing which crewmates perished most frequently in players' run-throughs of the Suicide Mission. The results are pretty surprising, with several fan-favorite characters ranking fairly low on the list.

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For one, beloved Salarian geneticist Mordin Solus is located directly at the bottom of the list, which is surprising considering the character has become of the franchise's most recognizable characters. He's followed by an equally popular hero in Tali, who is one of only two squad members that teams with Shepard in all three Mass Effect games.

Jack, Zaeed, and Thane all rank in tenth, ninth, and eighth respectively, while DLC character Kasumi takes seventh, and Asari Justicar Samara falls into sixth. Legion and Miranda take fifth and fourth, leaving the top three, with Krogan super soldier Grunt taking the bronze medal. Jacob then snags second and, likely to the surprise of no one, Garrus sits atop the ranking.

For those who've never played the Suicide Mission, it comes right at the end of Mass Effect 2's campaign, focusing on Commander Shepard and their squadmates venturing to the Collector's Base to save their crew and defeat the collectors. Throughout this section, the player must assign various responsibilities to their squad, with incorrect decisions resulting in the death of a character. Every single member of Shepard's squad can die during this section, though it seems some have bit the bullet more than others. The rest of the stats discuss who players tended to save most on Virmire, how many of them freed the Rachni Queen, and who was the most popular squadmate from the first game.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has already made a massive impact on fans of the franchise since its launch back in March, changing criticized mechanics, improving the visuals, and adding a universal character creator. GameRant's review of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition praised it for being "everything fans originally loved and then some," scoring it a 4.5 / 5 and stating: "It's hard to imagine making the original trilogy any better, but these remasters definitely make them much more current."

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Companion Tier List

Source: BioWare

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