Starfield is still shrouded in mystery, as the videos for three of the game’s locations, Akila, Neon, and New Atlantis, have left fans wondering what exactly they should expect once the game releases. While some of the lore for these locations was brought up, it was only enough to establish them and little more. In preparation for the release of Starfield in November of 2022, this is a good thing, but for satisfying the curiosity of fans, it hasn’t done much.
While each location from Starfield's city reveals will undoubtedly have its own struggles and unique communities, as many other Bethesda games are known for their deep universes, New Atlantis brings up particular concerns. The location’s name doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination. It draws on the Atlantis of ancient myth, worrying some fans that the peaceful adventuring set up in Starfield’s reveal trailer will just result in players having their expectations side-stepped in favor of something darker that’s rooted in conflict. This would track, as many of Bethesda's most renowned games have impressive environments but complicated politics and people that players need to consider. Based on the little known about the game so far, it seems like Starfield could easily follow suit.
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The Atlantis that many people are familiar with didn't belong to any of the star systems in Starfield, but instead sunk into the ocean and was lost to time. It was part of Plato’s works about the excessive pride and confidence that many states held. The idea of the lost city persists into the modern era, with Atlantis itself being transformed into the sunken city that has been featured in many different works for TV, movies, books, and video games. The inclusion of New Atlantis within Starfield, however, could point to several different interpretations of the original’s fate - albeit in a more advanced age.
As the capital spaceport of the United Colonies, New Atlantis is at the center of a major political and military power in Starfield. As such, it has both the potential to be a unifying force or one that divides and conquers the space it inhabits. With the grandeur that New Atlantis is depicted with, and the different hands at play in Starfield, New Atlantis could find itself at the center of a civil war like Skyrim’s.
The will of the people versus the will of the government could play a major role in Starfield, and that may spell doom for New Atlantis. The United Colonies will likely be an important part of the game, and next to the other factions in Starfield, it will likely be caught up in significant conflicts and conspiracies. New Atlantis already feels destined for this given its name. Further, the political and military power behind it as part of the United Colonies, combined with the scientific aspects of Starfield, could also be pulling from other writing such as one of Francis Bacon’s unfinished stories.
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New Atlantis

In Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, the island of Bensalem is discovered. While Bensalem is framed by miracles and Christian ideas of morality, a particular ruling system that could influence Starfield’s New Atlantis stands out. The leaders of Bensalem’s House of Salomon decide what discoveries are shared with not only the people but the state as a whole. If this selective flow of information is used throughout the United Colonies in Starfield, then it very easily could turn into a collective full of strife.
At the center of this strife could be the capital of New Atlantis. How this would reflect in the story can likely be guessed based on Fallout 4’s conflict between the Institute and post-apocalypse Boston. Withholding vital information and discoveries while people suffer rarely goes well, and governing bodies that view themselves as the best voice of reason regardless of the people’s experiences and perspectives will often collapse. While New Atlantis has been described as a melting pot, that doesn’t mean it won’t suffer from these problems, and they could very well be the first few dominos in its demise.
Since Starfield’s reveal trailer from E3 stresses the idea that Constellation is made up of some of the last explorers on the verge of humanity’s final major discovery, it might be safe to say that New Atlantis would want to control the technology and information Constellation has similar to how the leaders of the Institute and Bensalem did. If they do this, then the United Colonies could become another state that falls because of its hubris. Regardless of any positive intentions, the secretive decisions of New Atlantis are likely to be its downfall.
These possibilities are reflected in the fact that many different things could be discovered at the edge of the universe, but those that would pose a threat to the general population, the United Colonies' control of space, or both would likely be swept under the rug by the knowledgable few. Whether it's scientific, Lovecraftian, or a mix of both, it’s fair to say the powers that be within the United Colonies might not want others to know about it. While Starfield's concept art and reveal trailer encourage a view on exploration that opposes this thought, it doesn't mean New Atlantis can't still stifle Constellation’s efforts in Starfield and bring about their own demise.
Starfield's Conflict

New Atlantis is also overshadowed by the finality that is discussed in Starfield’s reveal trailer. Most interpretations of Atlantis will portray a beautiful society that is more advanced and capable than those around it, but they still fall victim to some form of cataclysm. The narration in Starfield’s trailer discusses humanity’s final discovery with optimism, and the visuals only help push the awesomeness of the idea. Starfield’s optimism could be great, or it may just be a cover where New Atlantis is acting as the canary in the coal mine.
If Constellation turns out to be corrupt, their major role in Starfield could very well mean the demise of many planets, including the one New Atlantis calls home. The capital spaceport is a prime target, and conspiratorial actors like some of those in Skyrim would cause the most detriment by targeting a location that is known to be a massive hub of multiculturalism. In one moment, peoples across different factions, planets, and star systems could find themselves victims of the discoveries of Constellation or any other group in Starfield.
This grim future is in contrast to what Starfield has been described as, but with twice the amount of dialogue as Skyrim, the game's relationships between characters, environments, and power structures are likely to be very intricate. With a complex world and an entirely new universe, it isn’t likely that every interaction and character will be a part of something polite or peaceful. There’s bound to be conflict in the game, and New Atlantis's possible demise could be at the center of it.
Starfield releases for PC and Xbox Series X/S on November 11, 2022.
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