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Saturday, 16 October 2021 22:48

Destiny 2 Players Discover Code of the Commander Banner Shield Bug

Written by Derek Nichols
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Destiny 2 players discover and report a new issue with the Banner Shield super for the Sentinel subclass, reducing its effectiveness by half.

Although Destiny 2 originally launched back in 2017, the game's popularity has continued to rise following the launch of its latest expansion Beyond Light. In fact, the past couple of seasons have already seen a sharp rise in player activity, highlighted by Destiny 2 becoming one of the most played games on Steam, trailing only behind mainstays like Counter Strike and Dota 2. It can also be said that Bungie's sweeping overhaul to Trials of Osiris has also managed to not only revive that portion of the game, but made it much more approachable for more casual players.

Even though the player base has continued to expand, it doesn't mean the game is perfect by any means. While many fans have been enjoying the increased focus on seasonal storylines weaving a larger narrative tale set culminating in what should be an explosive showdown with Savathun, the Witch Queen, gameplay related bugs have continued to drag down the experience. The latest issues forced Bungie to disable popular exotics like the Telesto fusion rifle and Raiju's Harness Hunter armor, though players have seemingly discovered a new problem.

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In a new thread on the Destiny 2 subReddit, players like Hamburglar219 reported some odd behavior when using the Banner Shield from the Titan's Sentinel subclass. When playing a PvE activity such as the returning Grandmaster difficulty Nightfalls, long range, high damage attacks such as a sniper reduces the duration of the Banner Shield super by a significant margin between 40-50%. Alongside the recent nerf to super energy generating exotics like Ursa Furiosa, Hamburglar219 now feels as though the Code of the Commander Void tree is underperforming with high end PvE activity.

BUG: Code of Commander Banner Shield energy SIGNIFICANTLY reduced when taking damage in PvE from DestinyTheGame

The player noticed this started happening about 2 weeks ago, but searching through patch notes and even the weekly blog updates had no mention of anything like this. What's more is that other players have seen similar issues with many comments from Destiny 2 players seemingly confirming the strange behavior, with many indicating it's gotten much harder to take damage when using this subclass. All in all, fans seem to agree that this is likely an unintentional bug and not a secret nerf.

Fans are likely hoping Bungie finds a fix for this issue as fast as they did for the recent Festival of the Lost activities. Just days after the seasonal event launched, Bungie patched certain activities to drop less materials players were using to complete parts of the quest. Specifically, players were accumulating Candy and Spectral Pages are faster rates by running the Lake of Shadows Nightfall, Expunge Tartarus mission, and Wrathborn Hunts, as these were short and provided a good way to farm materials. Now, these activites drop less resources, pushing players to find alternative sources.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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