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Monday, 28 June 2021 09:49

Persona 5 Strikers: The Best Team Setup For Every Jail

Written by Tristan Jurkovich
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Each Jail in Persona 5 Strikers plays to certain characters' strengths and weaknesses. See what the best team comp is for each one.

In Persona 5 Strikers, players can make teams of four. Joker must always be in the party but the rest of the party will never be forced. Now, each Jail, this game’s version of a Palace, have their own set of monsters. All of these creatures are weak to certain elements. 

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The strategy here then is to calculate the best team to use in every one of the eight dungeons. For example, if a Jail has a lot of enemies weak to wind and fire, it would be a good idea to bring Morgana and Ann along. Also of note, Joker can take care of whatever else comes up like when there are a lot of Curse-based foes since only he can cast those types of spells. 

Updated June 29th, 2021 by Mark Sammut: Persona 5 Strikers has been out for a while, but the game's popularity has not declined. Each Jail in the game shakes things up considerably, and players are expected to be consistently altering their party's members. Due to most arcs centering around a specific character, it is usually a safe bet that they should be included in the team; however, exceptions do exist. Furthermore, that still leaves two open slots. This article has been expanded to provide more detail about each Jail, the Personas encountered within it, and the recommended team for each boss. 

  • Jack-o'-Lantern - Drain: Fire; Weak: Ice, Wind
  • Pixie - Strong: Electricity, Bless; Weak: Gun, Ice, Curse
  • Bicorn - Strong: Bless; Weak: Electricity
  • Mokoi - Strong: Electricity; Weak: Wind
  • Silky - Strong: Ice; Weak: Fire, Electricity
  • Succubus - Strong: Fire; Null: Curse; Weak: Fire, Bless
  • Andras - Strong: Ice, Nuclear; Null: Curse; Weak: Fire
  • Treasure Demon (Precious Pink) - Weak: Fire

As the first dungeon in the game, Shibuya Jail is not especially difficult, although it does come with the added challenge of Joker not having access to a wide range of Personas. The weaknesses that appear the most throughout the Jail are Wind and Fire, so Morgana and Ann should be kept on board as much as possible. Morgana is especially important to prioritize during these early stages so that more of the character's heal moves can be unlocked. Yusuke or Ryuji can be used to complete the team.

Best Party Vs. Alice Hiiragi

Similar to the overall Jail, Alice Hiiragi is weak to Fire and Wind, so Ann and Morgana should be taken along for the ride no matter what. As the boss is immune to Psy attacks, Haru should be left out of the team. Sophia might be a good pick for the final party member just to have an extra healer.

Joker should have Jack-o'-Lantern so that he has access to Agi. Bicorn's Garu is also useful.

  • Slime - Strong: Physical, Gun; Weak: Fire, Wind
  • Berith - Strong: Fire; Null: Gun; Weak: Ice
  • High Pixie - Strong: Electricity, Wind; Weak: Gun, Nuclear
  • Lamia - Strong: Fire, Electricity; Null: Curse; Weak: Ice, Nuclear
  • Orthrus - Strong: Nuclear; Drain: Fire; Weak: Ice
  • Pisaca - Strong: Electricity; Drain: Curse; Weak: Fire, Bless
  • Treasure Demon (Diabolus Jewel) - Weak: Ice

As this arc pushes Yusuke to the forefront, it shouldn't come as that much of a surprise to learn that many Personas found in Sendai Jail are weak to Ice. Since this dungeon focuses on Yusuke, it’s best to bring him along with Makoto and Sophia. Ryuji is a complete no-go in this area, although Haru is a safe bet.

Best Party Vs. Ango Natsume

Nightmare Dragon Ango is vulnerable against Ice and Bless attacks, so Yusuke and Sophia should join Joker. Haru is a good pick for the last member since Ango isn't resistant to Psy attacks, but Morgana is worth considering if an extra healer is preferred.

When it comes to Personas, Joker would do well to bring Silky along for this fight.

  • Jack Frost - Drain: Ice; Weak: Fire
  • Lilim - Strong: Ice; Null: Curse; Weak: Wind, Bless
  • Setanta - Strong: Fire, Nuclear; Weak: Psy
  • Principality - Strong: Fire; Null: Bless; Weak: Curse
  • Mothman - Strong: Psy; Drain: Electricity; Weak: Gun
  • Kaiwan - Null: Gun; Drain: Psy; Weak: Nuclear
  • Treasure Demon (Frozen Blood) - Weak: Psy

In a twist, Sapporo Jail's enemies do not particularly prioritize the arc's central Phantom Thief, Haru. Haru is still a solid option in this Jail since her specialty will be important against the boss and Lock Keeper, but she doesn't fare especially well against the standard Personas. Along with Haru, Ryuji and Morgana should round up the team. Ryuji will need some experience by this point, while Morgana's Wind skills are generally acceptable for this area.

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Best Party Vs. Mariko Hyodo

Haru is the only must-include Phantom Thief for this encounter; for the rest of the team, pick a combination of Sophia, Morgana, and Ann.

Along with Psy attacks, Mariko is vulnerable to Curse skills. As such, Joker should take Pisaca along for the ride.

  • Black Ooze - Strong: Physical, Gun, Ice; Null: Curse; Weak: Electricity, Psy, Bless
  • Legion - Strong: Physical, Fire, Psy; Null: Curse; Weak: Electricity, Nuclear, Bless
  • Shiisaa - Strong: Physical; Null: Bless; Weak: Fire, Psy, Curse
  • Arahabaki - Strong: Physical, Gun; Null: Bless, Curse; Weak: Ice, Psy, Nuclear
  • Hecatoncheir - Strong: Gun; Drain: Curse; Weak: Bless
  • Treasure Demon (Vanitas) - Weak: Wind

Okinawa Jail is a bit different, as it doesn't have an active Monarch as Shuzo Ubukata passed away before the events of the game. While Sophia gets a bit of extra attention during this chapter, none of the Phantom Thieves are pushed as this arc's lead character. As such, most of the team is viable. However, Sophia, Ryuji, and Haru shine slightly brighter than the rest of the characters, although Makoto is also a good pick.

Best Party Vs. Lock Keeper

Rather than a Monarch, Okinawa's main boss is a Lock Keeper. Versions of this mini-boss appear in every Jail and they tend to have the same weaknesses as the Monarchs. In this case, the Lock Keeper is vulnerable to Curse and Bless damage. Keep the same team as the main dungeon.

If Joker has Arahabaki, then they would be a fantastic Persona to use throughout this battle. Pisaca is also fine.

  • Neko Shogun - Strong: Electricity, Curse; Null: Bless; Weak: Wind
  • Koppa Tengu - Strong: Wind; Weak: Gun, Ice, Bless
  • Okuninushi - Drain: Psy; Null: Electricity; Weak: Wind, Nuclear
  • Kikuri-Hime - Strong: Bless; Null: Wind; Weak: Fire
  • Shiisaa - Strong: Physical; Null: Bless; Weak: Fire, Psy, Curse
  • Treasure Demon (Ruby Wrath) - Weak: Electricity

The Kyoto Jail adds Zenkichi Hasegawa to the Phantom Thieves after his daughter, Akane, ends up creating a Jail. This Jail offers quite a mix of weaknesses and strengths, but the best party would be Yusuke and Morgana. Even though he has no elemental strengths due to being affiliated with Almighty skills, Zenkichi should be the fourth chair as this is his story dungeon.

Best Party Vs. Akane's Joker

Joker is the only character who fights during this boss battle, so there is no team selection to consider. While this boss has no outright weaknesses, Burn can be inflicted upon Akane's Joker, making them vulnerable to either Wind or Nuclear attacks. Koppa Tengu is a solid option for a Persona, permitting Joker has managed to acquire one.

  • Naga - Strong: Gun; Null: Electricity; Weak: Wind
  • Valkyrie - Strong: Gun; Drain: Bless; Null: Ice; Weak: Fire
  • Ganesha - Strong: Physical; Drain: Nuclear; Null: Wind; Weak: Electricity, Psy, Curse
  • Sarasvati - Strong: Electricity; Null: Ice; Weak: Nuclear
  • Fortuna - Drain: Wind; Null: Fire; Weak: Electricity
  • Raja Naga - Strong: Curse; Drain: Electricity; Weak: Curse
  • Norn - Strong: Bless; Drain: Wind; Null: Electricity; Weak: Nuclear Curse
  • Legion - Strong: Physical, Fire, Psy; Null: Curse; Weak: Electricity, Nuclear, Bless
  • Thor - Strong: Physical, Bless, Curse; Null: Electricity; Weak: Wind, Psy
  • Treasure Demon (Heroic Amulet) - Weak: Nuclear

The weaknesses that appear the most through the majority of the Osaka Jail are Electricity and Nuclear, although the former will fall flat against a string of enemies. With that in mind, it should be obvious then to bring along Makoto and Ryuji; for the last option, it doesn’t matter if someone chooses Morgana or Haru.

Best Party Vs. Akira Konoe

Makoto and Ryuji will be the MVPs of this battle, during both the Zephyrus Mech and Akira the Hero stages. Sophia or Morgana should round off the team to get a dedicated support player in the selection.

Joker should go in with Personas who have access to Electricity and Nuclear skills. If possible, Trumpeter is a great option for the latter category, and this Persona can be gained by fusing Norn with Sarasvati.

  • Bugbear - Strong: Wind, Psy; Null: Curse; Weak: Nuclear, Bless
  • Lilith - Null: Ice, Nuclear, Curse; Weak: Fire
  • Mot - Strong: Gun; Drain: Electricity; Null: Curse; Weak: Wind
  • Nebiros - Strong: Curse; Null: Psy; Weak: Bless
  • Abaddon - Strong: Physical, Bless; Drain: Curse; Null: Gun; Weak: Psy, Nuclear
  • Hecatoncheir - Strong: Gun; Drain: Curse; Weak: Bless
  • Treasure Demon (Abyss) - Weak: Bless

The Jail of the Abyss is one of the harder dungeons in the game, especially since Sophia will be removed from the party for extended sections of the experience. When traversing the Jail, Makoto, Ann, and Morgana would make for a well-rounded team whenever Sophia is not available; however, most Phantom Thieves are solid options during this dungeon. 

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Best Party Vs. Kuon Ichinose

Following a fight with Sophia, most of this encounter will include taking on the Personas listed above. As such, Joker should have access to a Persona capable of dealing Bless damage. The best Personas of this category, Lucifer and Metatron, will not be available during someone's first playthroughDominion is not simple to get, but this Persona is the next best candidate.

  • Yatagarasu - Strong: Wind; Null: Bless; Weak: Gun, Curse
  • Forneus - Drain: Psy; Null: Ice; Weak: Electricity
  • Dominion - Strong: Curse; Drain: Nuclear; Null: Bless; Weak: Electricity
  • Kali - Strong: Curse; Null: Psy, Fire; Weak: Ice
  • Metatron - Drain: Psy, Nuclear; Null: Wind; Weak: Electricity, Curse
  • Treasure Demon (Devoted) - Weak: Curse

While there is quite a variety of Personas in Strikers' final area, it is highly recommended that Ryuji is kept in rotation for the actual dungeon portion. For the other two members, based on numbers though, go with Yusuke and Sophia.

Best Party Vs Demiurge

The final boss splits up the party once it reaches its second form so everyone gets a go, meaning only Demiurge's first stage is really relevant. Sophia should be included as the boss is weak to Bless damage. For the second phase, just divide the teams as evenly as possible, with prominent healers (Morgana or Sophia) being spread out.

Demiurge is also weak against Curse skills, so that's an area Joker can target. Nebiros and Abaddon are worth considering.

NEXT: Ways Persona Changed Between Revelations & Royal

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