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Sunday, 28 February 2021 03:44

Boundary Receives New Gameplay Trailer | Game Rant

Written by Jonathan Ammerman
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Surgical Scalpels' innovative zero gravity first-person shooter Boundary receives a new gameplay trailer, showing players what they can expect.

A brand new gameplay trailer has dropped for developer Surgical Scalpels' Boundary, the zero gravity first-person shooter. The short video showcases what to expect in moment-to-moment space gameplay in Boundary, and it seems rather impressive.

The ambitions of Boundary are enough to turn heads. A frantic FPS in space with heavily armed astronauts in zero gravity gunfights struck many players as both an amazing idea and something very difficult to pull off. Throw in classes, customizable load-outs, and more, and the makings of a unique game are in place. Last month Boundary ran a technical test; this month it is ready to show gameplay to the world.

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The gameplay that was shown seems to highlight the actual UI, as things like a mini-map, score indicator, objective, kill feed, ammunition, and more are all visible on the screen. Additionally--as the player in the trailer takes down enemies--medals appear for things like head shots, assists, or double kills (very much in line with the likes of Halo or Call of Duty). Fans also get a taste of weapons, map layout, and more in the short trailer. Often gameplay trailers show off imagery without showcasing UI and actual player footage, so seeing Boundary in action is likely to be very much appreciated.

Visually, the trailer looks excellent, which should not be a surprise. Boundary utilizes real-time ray tracing, taking full advantage of modern technology. On top of that, simply seeing the space combat gameplay is refreshing. While there have been countless military or sci-fi shooters, an astronaut, space, zero-gravity FPS is a unique approach that not only affects the gameplay, but also the aesthetics in extremely appealing ways.

Boundary releases in 2021 on PC.

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