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Tuesday, 02 March 2021 17:10

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Reveals Yuffie Episode Length and More Details

Written by Dalton Cooper
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Square Enix reveals more information about the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade on PS5, specifically the Yuffie DLC episode.

The headlining announcement at the latest PlayStation State of Play event was the reveal of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, a new episode that stars fan favorite character Yuffie. Since the Yuffie episode was revealed for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, more details have made their way online, including how many chapters it will be and what fans can expect from Intergrade's story.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Yuffie episode will be two chapters long, though Final Fantasy 7 Remake chapter length can vary wildly so that doesn't necessarily give a good indication of how long it will take players to complete it. In the episode, Yuffie and new character Sonon Kusakabe make their way to Midgar. Collaborating with Avalanche, Yuffie and Sonon use their Wutaian ninja skills to attack the Shinra Electric Power Company in an effort to steal materia.

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As far as gameplay goes, Yuffie is described by Square Enix as being "proficient in both close-quarters combat and ranged attacks." This should be helpful since she won't have Barret in her party to shoot down far-off enemies, and she won't have Cloud there to deal the majority of the melee damage. Outside of combat, Yuffie will be able to utilize her ninja skills like wall-running to better-traverse the environment as well as hit switches with her shuriken.

It will be interesting to see what happens during the Yuffie episode in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, but one has to imagine that she will wind up splitting up with her partner. In the original Final Fantasy 7 game, players come across Yuffie in the forest, where she attacks the party as a "Mystery Ninja." After players defeat Yuffie, they can recruit her by choosing the correct dialogue options. Presumably, the events of the Yuffie episode in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade will show how Yuffie ended up alone in the forest in the first place.

Those interested in playing the Yuffie episode should note that it is a PS5 exclusive experience. And while paid versions of Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PS4 can upgrade to the PS5 version for free, the Yuffie episode is not part of the free upgrade. Either players will need to buy the PS5 version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake outright, or they will need to upgrade their PS4 version and then purchasing the Yuffie episode separately. Pricing information for the Yuffie episode has not been revealed at the time of this writing.

More information on the Yuffie episode should come to light as we get closer to its launch this June.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade launches June 10 for PS5.

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Source: Gematsu

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