Tuesday, 09 March 2021 16:00

Valheim: How To Defeat Serpents In The Ocean (Or Scare Them Away)

Written by Linnea Capps
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As Serpents roam the ocean in Valheim, every Viking will eventually face one. These tips will make it far easier to take down these sea creatures.

Valheim continues its massive popularity as countless more players pick up the Viking survival game to try each day. Still, many players old and new alike get tripped up when entering the Ocean Biome when they come up against the mighty Serpents found there.

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Based on the mythical beast Jörmungandr of Norse legend, the Serpents in Valheim have sunk countless ships of those who face them unprepared. Whether hunting them down for the materials they provide or running away to safety, a bit of knowledge makes taking these beasts down much easier.

6 Build The Best Boats

Everyone starts off sailing in a raft but it's not a good vessel for going out to kill Serpents in. It lacks the durability of other options even if it takes fewer resources to build. Plus, it's quite slow and doesn't maneuver as well as other ships.

It's best to take out a Karve at a minimum when hunting the water beasts as it can hold multiple passengers while still being fast and sleek. It takes 30 Fine Wood, 10 Deer Hirdes, 20 Resin, and 80 Bronze Nails to create it. Just beware — heavier materials used to make the boat will sink to the ocean floor if it is destroyed.

It is important to be careful to not lose ships to damage from the Serpents for this reason. It's also why it may not be worth taking out a Longboat as losing all of the hard-earned supplies used to create it can be particularly devastating.

5 Use The Abyssal Harpoon

The Abyssal Harpoon is one of the best weapons in the game for taking on Serpents. To be able to make one, players need to track down Leviathans within the Ocean Biome. It can take a bit of work to get the Abyssal Barnacles off of them, as trying to do so makes them swim away, but with enough Chitin, players will be able to make this impressive weapon.

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With 8 Fine Wood, 30 Chitin, and 3 Leather Scraps, players will have their hands on this mighty spear! It can be thrown from a distance and be used to hold onto Serpents using the rope attached to it so it can't run away as easily. As the player operating the harpoon can't take any other actions except to hold it, it might not be the best tool for taking on one of the sea creatures solo.

It's also worth noting that Serpents tend to stop attacking if they are pulled too far away from where they spawn, so the spear can be an excellent way to keep them close so damage can be dealt. If players want to harvest scales off the beasts, this will also make it so they don't sink before being able to be harvested from their bodies.

4 Bring A Strong Group

Valheim is a game best played with friends especially for times like these. Those that use the Abyssal Harpoon to take the Serpents on will need help as it leaves them useless otherwise.

It is possible to take down the Serpents solo, but even just one friend can make things incredibly easier. It's recommended that players have at least three or more people when taking them down, especially for their first Serpent hunt.

3 Freeze Them Solid (Sort Of)

While there's no way to take the Serpents out into the Arctic, it's possible to bring the cold to them. Bringing along Frost Arrows is a marvelous way to slow them down, making it easier to kill them or run away.

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Even better, players that have crafted Frostner will find that if they can get a Serpent close enough to strike it with the mighty hammer, its movement will come to a practical standstill. This can leave them as sitting ducks for fellow Vikings to attack or leave them in the wake of any boats that are sailing away.

2 Come With Strong Bows And Arrows

Attacking the creatures from a distance is the best way to ensure that players won't end up seeing their boats at the bottom of the ocean. Still, Vikings aren't going to get far with just a Crude Bow and some Wood Arrows. Flint Arrows should be used at a bare minimum with any other improves arrows still being vastly preferred.

Those who have gotten the Guck necessary to make a Draugr Fang should absolutely bring it with them in battle. The added poison damage can help bring down Serpents far easier and makes hunting for their scales, meat, and trophies go that much faster.

1 Bring It To The Beach

Many players don't realize it's possible to deal damage to Serpents with melee weapons if they are able to get right next to them. Even fewer know that it is possible to use the Abyssal Harpoon or just a bit of luck and crafty sailing to bring Serpents close to the beach.

Once there, players are actually able to attack them with melee weapons from the shoreline. This can result in massive amounts of damage dealt very quickly. This also is advantageous as the corpses of the monsters won't sink to the bottom of the sea making harvesting them for supplies much easier.

NEXT: Valheim: 10 Tips For Defeating Bonemass

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