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Friday, 12 March 2021 06:00

Pokemon GO Update Fixes Glameow Hitbox | Game Rant

Written by Dalton Cooper
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In the latest update for Pokemon GO, developer Niantic finally fixes a longstanding issue with Glameow's hitbox in the AR game.

Glameow is not all that notable of a Pokemon in Pokemon GO. It's relatively common and is outmatched by many other Pokemon when it comes to PvP or Raid use. However, Glameow was still unique in the augmented reality mobile game due to its buggy hitbox. Despite being a relatively small Pokemon, Glameow's hitbox in Pokemon GO was huge, making it very difficult for Pokemon trainers to get Nice, Great, or Excellent throws.

This threw a wrench in things when Pokemon GO players were trying to complete Field Research tasks like getting X number of Nice Throws in a row and things of that nature. Glameow's hitbox in Pokemon GO has been messed up for the better part of a year, but now it seems Niantic has finally fixed the issue. The latest update for Pokemon GO, released on March 11, has seemingly fixed Glameow's hitbox.

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This was pointed out by Pokemon GO fan Vador_MK on Reddit. Vador_MK provided video evidence to prove that Glameow's hitbox in Pokemon GO has indeed been fixed, so now fans of the game should have a much more predictable time trying to catch the Pokemon. It's unclear why it took so long for the issue to be addressed, but many fans will be happy with the change.

The Pokemon GO March 11 update didn't just fix Glameow's hitbox. While that may be one of the more notable changes to some players, one of the main reasons for the update was so Niantic could make changes to XL Candy. XL Candy, for the uninitiated, was added to Pokemon GO so that it would be easier for people to power up their high-leveled Pokemon as they progressed from level 40 to the new cap of 50.

However, XL Candy was very difficult for players to get in the game until the March 11 update. As of the March 11 update in Pokemon GO, Pokemon trainers can get guaranteed XL Candy by catching Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, plus they have a better chance of getting XL Candy when catching 2nd and 3rd evolutions of other Pokemon. Players can sometimes get XL Candy by trading and evolving Pokemon, and there's a chance that their buddy Pokemon can find some as well.

Between the XL Candy changes and the Glameow hitbox fix, it seems as though this March 11 update will be mostly well-received by Pokemon GO fans. And looking forward, there should be many more updates for Pokemon GO fans to look forward to throughout 2021.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

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