Saturday, 13 March 2021 16:00

Star Wars: Watch A Therapist Break Down All Of Kylo Ren's Issues

Written by Raul Velasquez
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Kylo Ren's outbursts always had Star Wars fans wondering about his issues, now mental health professionals discuss his complicated psyche.

Kylo Ren is one of the most divisive characters in all of Star Wars. When at his best, he’s a fantastic villain, but his lows make fans wonder how the First Order can be so threatening when led by a man with the temper of a 5-year-old. Luckily for all those who’ve been thinking Kylo Ren could use some therapy, YouTube offers some psychoanalytic insight into just what makes Ben Solo tick.

The Star Wars sequel trilogy kicked things off quite decently, but even if The Last Jedi is still seen quite positively by Star Wars fans, the same cannot be said of Rise of Skywalker and Disney's penchant for nostalgia. The scrapped Star Wars: Duel of the Fates script now offers fans a glimpse at what could have been in a film that would have explored even more of Kylo Ren’s true character and his relationship with Rey.

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However, for all those Kylo Ren fans and haters out there, the Cinema Therapy YouTube channel takes care of this when hosts Jonathan Decker and Alan Seawright sit down to discuss the man's many issues. The video is a treat to watch as both hosts try to contextualize Ben's failed relationships with all of his father figures and how he ultimately gives up on wanting Han Solo, Luke SkyWalker, and Snoke’s approval. It's also an intriguing watch for the management tips given out by Decker, who notes that Kylo Ren’s leadership is based on fear, which really doesn’t pay off for the First Order in the long term.

The highlight of the video is noting how Kylo Ren and Rey's relationship starts to form from the basis that he sees her as his equal, due to sensing her connection with the force and “off the charts” midi-chlorians. Despite that, Decker makes clear that Kylo Ren and Ben Solo are two entirely different people, with the latter being who fans actually get to see near the end when Ben behaves almost identically to his dad; and the conflicting personalities can bear to kill Han, but not Leia, due to the nature of his relationship with each of his parents.

Seawright does comment on a rarely known easter egg for more casual Star Wars fans, that being a comic strip referencing Chewbacca's inability to take a clean head shot on Kylo Ren because of his lasting memories of playing with a young Ben. When it comes to Ben’s tragic fate, it's simply a matter of him not being able to cope with everything Kylo Ren has done.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from the entire video is realizing how underappreciated Kylo Ren tends to be and how Star Wars missed out on so much they otherwise wouldn't have had The Rise of Skywalker taken a different direction. Unlike most villains, who are just outright vicious in their pursuit for power, Kylo Ren is still frail and broken most of the time, making him one of the most relatable characters in the series.

The Star Wars saga is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Cinema Therapy|YouTube

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