Sunday, 14 March 2021 18:15

World Of Warcraft: 10 Mistakes New Players Make (& How To Avoid Them)

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Warcrtaft can be tough on beginners, but there are ways of avoiding these pretty common mistakes.

New players of Blizzard's World of Warcraft don't necessarily have to catch up to 17 years' worth of content to enjoy the Warcraft MMO. Thanks to WoW's quick progression system, players have a lot of options to "advance" through the ranks and enjoy the game's endgame content quickly. Thanks to these mechanics, players have a lot of options to personalize their Warcraft experience and make it their own.

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Unfortunately, newcomers in the hit MMO may hit some roadblocks on their way to enjoying the full depth of the WoW experience. Sometimes, these mistakes cause minor inconveniences to gameplay. However, some players might think that other mistakes can ruin their playthrough entirely and they may need to create a new character. What exactly are things that newcomers need to stay clear of to fully enjoy their World of Warcraft experience?

10 Ending Up In The Wrong Realm

Players in World of Warcraft get segregated into servers called Realms. As with other MMOs, WoW's servers serve as a complete iteration of the game world that house player characters. In turn, players can also expect Realms to facilitate interactions solely between the characters in these servers. These Realm-only interactions include direct communications, trading, forming guilds and parties, and even world events. Essentially, the Realm Selection window has the following characteristics:

Realm Name: This specifies the name of the Realm. These names usually come from popular characters in the franchise.

Type: This details the nature of the Realm in question. Realm Types include PVE, PVP, Roleplaying (RP), RPPVP, and Test. Essentially, players who simply want a standard MMO experience should pick a PVE Realm. Likewise, players who want to engage more in WoW's combat component should pick a PVP Realm.

Population: This gives players an idea how many players exist in a Realm. These Populations include Recommended for most players, as well as Low, Medium, High, or Full Population.

Realm Selection Considerations

At first glance, Realm choice shouldn't even be considered a big deal for most players. However, newcomers who pick the wrong Realm might be left unsatisfied with their overall experience, especially if their Realm choice didn't fit their playstyle and expectations. In turn, what should new players watch out for in Realm Selection?

Why aren't players speaking the same language? Aside from player population, WoW's Realms also become grouped into regions. Ideally, players will want to pick a Realm where other players speak a common language. That way, communication won't be as difficult and players will feel more comfortable with their experience.

Why aren't there people around? Given WoW's popular Raid scene, newcomers who just reached endgame might find it weird to feel frustrated at the lack of party members to do Raids with. However, this caveat might have to do with playing within the wrong time zone. Remember, since Realms are segregated into regions, players of those Realms likely become active in certain times. These affect the availability of players to party with, trade with, or even do PVP with.

Why aren't friends there? Players who got invited to play by their other friends should pick the Realm where their friends are located. Sadly, characters can only interact with others in the same Realm.

Why are people roleplaying their characters? Interestingly, some Realms in World of Warcraft actually serve as Roleplaying (RP) servers. These servers encourage players to fully immerse themselves in Azeroth in the form of their characters. Meanwhile, players who want to RP but still fight other players actively should join Roleplaying PVP (RPPVP) servers.

9 Unsatisfied With Race And Class Combination

In World of Warcraft, characters comprise majorly of two things: a Race component and a Class component. Essentially, the Race simply denotes the "species" a character is in by the time they enter Azeroth. Meanwhile, Class pertains to the field of combat expertise that character has.

Thing is, unlike other MMOs, WoW has Classes locked down to specific Races. In short, players who want to play a certain Race may not necessarily be able to pick a Class they want - and vice versa. Sadly, this might lead to some players being unsatisfied with their Race-Class combinations, or even not leave the Character Creation screen at all. Players who find themselves stuck in the Character Creation screen might have a difficult time choosing their character's Race and Class. Here are some important considerations:

Race Considerations

What about lore preference? New players who want to stick to lore could always read up on their preferred Race or Class to see how their cultures would ideally motivate citizens to become adventurers. For instance, while Night Elves fit the Rogue Class in terms of innate abilities, the lore does state a Night Elf having a penchant to become Druids. Likewise, players who want to join Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind will want to create a character with a Race allied with the Alliance. In this regard, players who want to feel more immersed in Azeroth may want to create a character based on lore first.

What about Allied Races? New players might wonder why some Races remain locked during Character Creation. These Races are actually considered Allied Races, and players can only unlock them for other characters once they finish their favored Allied Race's questline.

Class Considerations

What about roles? Players who want to create characters based on their endgame potential might want a Class that excels in a particular role. Thankfully, all Classes in WoW have DPS Specializations. However, certain Classes also do specialize in healing or tanking. Essentially, Druids, Paladins, and Monks have Specializations that spread across all three roles. Meanwhile, Priests and Shaman have great Healing Specializations, whereas the Warrior, Death Knight, and Demon Hunter have Tank-focused Specializations as well.

What about Hero Classes? Newcomers might have seen the Death Knight and Demon Hunter Classes during Character Creation. They serve as Hero Classes, or Classes that refer to a cadre of warriors based on an iconic personality in Azeroth. For instance, the Lich King Arthas Menethil created the Death Knights to serve under him until they broke free of his control. Meanwhile, Illidan Stormrage trained Elves to become Demon Hunters, beings capable of harnessing Fel Magic to slay demons. Due to their specialized nature, players who pick Hero Classes will immediately start at Level 55. As such, it's unadvisable for newcomers to immediately pick these Classes.

8 Using The Experience Boost

Newcomers who create their own character will end in Exile's Reach, a new starter zone that will take new characters to Levels 1 through 10 in order to know the basics of the game. After they finish Exile's Reach, the game sends players to the Battle for Azeroth storyline for them to level up through Level 50. It's only after reaching Level 50 that players will finally get sent to the Shadowlands expansion. However, new players who want to "get straight to the action" actually have option to just skip the leveling process entirely. Thanks to the Level Character Boost, players can just send a character straight to Level 50 from the Character Select screen. How exactly does this work? Essentially, players can get the Level Character Boost in three ways:

Buy the Shadowlands: Heroic and Epic Editions. Players get a free Character Boost if they purchase the Heroic and Epic editions of the Shadowlands expansion.

Buy the Level Character Boost. Likewise, players can also just buy the Level Character Boost from the Game Store for USD 60.

Level Character Boost Considerations

However, despite the tempting nature of using a Level Character Boost to just get players straight to Level 50, players also need to understand some things about this feature:

What about the story? Players who use the Level Character Boost will get to Level 50, prepping them immediately for Shadowlands. However, this does mean that new players won't have the time to explore events prior to the game as they level up, including the prior Battle for Azeroth expansion.

What about Custom Options? Players who use the Level Character Boost won't be able to study custom options carefully as they level up. In that regard, the game will simply prompt players to choose these custom options, such as Talent Specializations. For newcomers, this means getting into Shadowlands and having to study their character's skills and Specialization synergies all at once.

What about Allied Races? Players who use the Level Character Boost on an Allied Race won't unlock the Heritage Armor set attached to that Allied Race.

7 Ignoring Chromie Time

Veterans of World of Warcraft who create new characters for Shadowlands will get to meet Chromie. Essentially, her role is to help players immerse themselves in WoW's other expansions without forcing all players to sit through all seven of them just before getting into Shadowlands. In turn, old accounts can create new characters, get to Chromie after Level 10, and Chromie Time to any expansion. These characters will stay in these expansion zones to level up through Level 50.

On the other hand, new players will experience a somewhat "forced" version of Chromie Time after reaching Level 10. Instead of choosing the expansion they want to level up in, they'll get sent straight to Battle to Azeroth.

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Get Chromie Time!

The lack of Chromie Time for newcomers might seem a bummer for new players who want to experience WoW's story as a whole. In turn, new players who are about to get into Shadowlands might want to create another new character to experience the game's backstory for themselves. Are there any advantages to this?

How can new players access Chromie Time? Players who reached Level 50 won't be able to access Chromie Time. However, new players who reached Level 50 for the first time can unlock Chromie Time for their new characters. This is also why it's recommended for new players to create at least one other character in order to experience the story in other expansions.

What expansions are available in Chromie Time? Except for the vanilla release, players in Chromie Time can choose to level up through Level 10 to 50 in another expansion. These include Battle for Azeroth all the way back to The Burning Crusade. In turn, players can experience the growth or even fall of some of Warcraft's most notable characters, from Jaina Proudmoore to Illidan Stormrage.

How many other characters should do Chromie Time? New players who want to capitalize on Chromie Time might want to create six (6) other characters. Since the first one they'll use will already play through Battle for Azeroth, this leaves six (6) other expansions uncovered in terms of story.

Should a character skip expansions in Chromie Time? While players can "skip" to other expansions during Chromie Time, the rest of the game world does scale to their level. This means players who skip to other expansions mid-level always risk meeting Level 50 before even finishing one expansion. In turn, this isn't exactly advised for new players who want to focus on the story.

6 Leveling Too Slow

Granted, newcomers to World of Warcraft need as much time as possible to get acquainted with much of the game's many offerings. However, even most veterans would agree that the real fun in WoW lies in the endgame. After all, this is where max level players can enjoy the full offerings of Raids, Battlegrounds, and Arenas. Sadly, given newcomers are still familiarizing themselves with the MMO's huge slate of monsters to fight and quests to finish, some of the might feel they're leveling up too slow.

Level Progression Considerations

Thankfully, newcomers may be able to circumvent this caveat by understanding some of the fastest ways to reach the endgame, even without using a Character Level Boost. Here are some things they need to consider in the leveling experience:

What about Quests? Aside from Storyline Quests, players who want to level up should consider a more holistic approach to Questing. For instance, players in any town or zone should get all Quests available from NPCs, and sort them based on their areas of interest. That way, players can complete Quests in droves just by staying in one area for a few minutes.

What about Grinding?  Essentially, characters can gain more EXP by killing enemies slightly stronger than them. In WoW, hostile NPC strength can be gauged by the colors of their names - where yellow denotes ordinary enemies, while red denotes stronger enemies. Moreover, the special dragon border around an enemy icon indicates they're Elites, meaning they're extremely difficult to kill.

What about zones? Thankfully, WoW organizes enemies according to both strength and zones. Essentially, players can expect each zone to house enemies of a particular level range. In turn, characters can level up much faster if they know which zones to tackle first. Thankfully, this zone system applies to regions allied with the Alliance and territories with the Horde.

Is Chromie Time any help? Players might get invaluable insights towards leveling time by understanding how fast characters can level up in other expansions via Chromie Time. For WoW newcomers, Chromie Time's Battle for Azeroth takes around 16 hours to complete. However, newcomers who want to level up other characters faster might consider choosing Warlords of Draenor, which others state could be completed within 12 hours. Interestingly, Legion comes at a close second with a 14-hour approximate max-level grinding time.

5 Taking Too Much Time To Earn Gold

Money in World of Warcraft comes in three different currencies - Bronze, Silver, and Gold. At first, players will notice that getting their first Gold can take a ridiculous amount of time. However, their progression through the game does make earning Gold much easier than before. Sadly, some players might think they're not doing enough to earn Gold as soon as possible - especially if they're trying to pursue specific objectives. Thankfully, players can actually maximize their time leveling up or early in the endgame to earn as much Gold as possible.

Getting Rich: The Essentials

Interestingly, players can do a variety of means to increase the likelihood of getting more gold out of certain situations. Here are things new players need to take note of as they take their characters from newcomer on their way to max-level:

How do Quests affect rewards? As players would guess, doing Quests would not only give their characters experience but also money as well. However, aside from doing storyline Quests, players should take note of special Quest variants. Things such as Daily Quests and Weekly Quests can actually net players upwards of 250 to 500 Gold depending on the kind of rotation they do.

How does level progress affect rewards? At its core, the higher the player's level, the more experience and money they net from doing various Quests. By the time players hit maximum level, quest completion will instead give them more gold as they won't have any room for experience.

How do mobs affect wealth acquisition? While almost all monsters in the game have some form of sellable items, players need to watch out for undead and humanoid mobs - especially if they're part of a quest. Unlike typical monsters, mobs in the form of humanoid and undead are likelier to drop more expensive loot.

How about Raids? While most Raids become more accessible in the endgame, players can actually try their hand on some dungeons as soon as they unlock the Dungeon Finder at Level 15. The higher in level players become, the easier some of these low-level Raids become as well. In turn, players can maximize the Gold and sellable loot they can find as soon as they become capable of soloing instances.

4 Spending Too Much Gold

Money still makes the world go round, even in World of Warcraft. Thankfully, players can also earn a lot of Gold by doing a ton of Quests and killing higher-level mobs. Of course, this excitement does come with the temptation of spending Gold on various items throughout shops as players level up. Sadly, players might end up with little Gold left to spend on more essential things other than buying that awesome-looking sword or gear.

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Spending Gold: The Essentials

In turn, newcomers should at least anticipate other aspects of the game that would require them to spend Gold. That way, they can more accurately plan whether they can splurge on nicer items they find in stores or whether they'd need to wait for better drops:

What about Durability? All equipment in WoW have a Durability property which determines how long until that piece of item becomes broken. While all broken items can be repaired, repairing items do come at a certain cost. Players planning on pursuing difficult opponents might end up needing Gold to maintain their repairs.

What about Riding? Players who want to travel to other places much faster will need a reliable mount, and mounts require players to have a sufficient ranking the Riding Skill. Essentially, the higher the Riding Skill, the faster a player's mounts can travel. The cheaper Apprentice (4 Gold) and Journeyman (50 Gold) Riding have bearable costs. However, players who want access to flying mounts need to save up for the more expensive Expert (250 Gold), Artisan (5,000 Gold), and Master (5,000 Gold) Riding Skills. Not to mention, players who want to travel to other towns without riding a mount will also need to pay Flightmasters to fast-travel.

What about better gear? Players who notice some awesome-looking gear at shops should always think twice of purchasing them. Remember, mobs almost always drop gear of varying rarities, which means there's always a chance of a random loot having far better stats than something players can purchase in a store.

3 Ignoring The Rest Mechanic

Newcomers might notice that their characters will have a glowing portrait and a "ZZZ" status in their levels if they stay in a major city or an inn. In gameplay terms, this simply means that the character is currently in a Resting state. Players who log off in Rest will retain the Rested status, and their EXP bar turns blue by the time they log-in. At first glance, players won't realize how the Rested state would affect their performance until they realize that killing enemies earns double EXP while Rested. How can a character maximize this?

Optimizing The Rest Mechanic

New players who had just encountered WoW's Rest mechanic might wonder if there's any reason to even concentrate on maximizing this gameplay feature in the first place. Interestingly, players should probably consider some factors to help them capitalize on the double EXP rewards while Rested:

Is there a way to improve my Rested status? When a character enters a Rested state, they earn double EXP while killing monsters. However, they only get to earn double EXP up to a special notch that appears in their EXP bar. Interestingly, staying offline will increase the distance of this notch, enabling players to capitalize on their earnings. Players can get double EXP for one EXP bubble every eight (8) hours.

What if I log off in the Wilderness? Players who log off in the wilderness can still have their characters in a Rested state. However, their characters will only get the double EXP notch at 25-percent the rate compared to Resting in a major city or inn.

2 Forgetting Dungeons In Low Levels

Most, if not all, MMO players know that the "real" Raiding begins once a player reaches the endgame. If they farm enough Raids to get decent gear, they may become sufficiently well-equipped to handle bigger challenges with more serious Raiding groups. However, in WoW, newcomers don't necessarily have to just mindlessly grind until Level 60 before being able to enjoy endgame Raids. In fact, a lot of players might see benefits when trying to incorporate older Raids and low-level dungeons across their leveling experience. Here are some considerations:

Offerings depend in Chromie Time. Players who are in an expansion via Chromie Time will only access the dungeons from that particular expansion. The same goes if a player's team are all doing the same expansion's content. However, if a player ends up in a party with characters across different expansions, they'll all be able to join the queue of any dungeon from any timeline a member can access.

Everything is scaled from Level 10 to 50 during Chromie Time. When doing dungeons in Chromie Time, everything is also scaled according to the character's current level. Of course, given a Raid's mobs and bosses are all Elite creatures, they'll be significantly more difficult to eliminate with a non-max level character.

Everything has a level range outside Chromie Time. Players who reach Level 50 in Chromie Time will get transferred back to the main timeline. When this happens, all zones across different expansions will have a "set" level range. The same structure gets carried over to older dungeons, which depends on a level range assigned to that expansion. For instance, the Burning Crusade zone has monsters up to around Level 30, whereas Warlords of Draenor zones has monsters up to around Level 40.

Raiding In Old Content

Despite much of WoW's more challenging Raids existing in the endgame, it's much more beneficial to newcomers to try their hand with Raid content from previous expansions. Here are some considerations for newcomers who had just hit max level in the game:

How should players train for endgame Raids? Newcomers interested in performing properly in endgame Raids should consider doing older Raids with other teams. That way, players can start acquainting themselves with Raiding basics. These include properly choosing Roles and understanding what they do for parties. Moreover, grouping for older Raids allows players to test various Specializations, understand Raid-specific things such as using markers, and even optimizing their keybinds and hotkeys.

How do players obtain older gear? Players interested in obtaining older gear from previous expansions might want to pursue older Raids after they reach max level. In previous expansions, players already do this in order to farm transmogs and rare mounts.

How easy is it to solo older Raids? Theoretically, players who just reached max-level can start soloing most early-expansion Raids. Of course, difficulty will scale once players pursue Mythic or the more challenging Mythic+ raids.

1 Neglecting Professions

Outside Classes, characters also have something called Professions. Unlike Classes, Professions serve as trade-oriented skills that focus less on combat and instead become the equivalent of day-to-day jobs in real life. A lot of these Professions encourage players to enhance, create, or even gather items for other players to use. Meanwhile, other Professions also give their practitioners the privilege of crafting and even equipping special items.

Of course, since Professions don't necessarily tie in to jobs, newcomers might see no reason to level them up. However, newcomers might soon realize that leveling up Professions in the early game can net them quite a lot of benefits by the time they achieve mastery of their chosen Professions in the endgame. Sadly, leveling up a Profession from low-level to max-level in the endgame can become taxing for a lot of players to do. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid this.

Professions: Leveling Considerations

When newcomers finally get to choose their Professions, they need to understand what their particular Professions imply and what they can do with them. Whereas any character can have any Profession they wish, it helps to optimize their performance and their endgame implications:

What activity can a player do often? Professions in WoW fall under two major groups - there's Gathering Professions that rely more on obtaining materials. Meanwhile, Crafting Professions enable characters to use Recipes that create new items from raw materials. Players should remember to choose Professions that they can level up quickly as their requirements are something players can easily do. For instance, combat-loving players might choose Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and Jewelcrafting. After all, a lot of raw materials they need come from monster drops and their benefits can improve item performance. Meanwhile, explorers would love Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning as their level-up requirements need moving around.

What about Profession synergies? Perhaps the most important consideration for Professions have to do with synergies. Some Professions work best with each other due to the nature of their task and offerings. For instance, Alchemy/Herbalism become a great tandem as herbs from Herbalism can pave way to better potions. Meanwhile, Enchanting/Tailoring enables players to create more enchanted gear.

What about profitability? On another note, some players will be willing to pay Gold and other items just to get the benefits of working with experts in other Professions. For instance, some players would pay Gold to anyone who can make them an Engineer-exclusive Mekgineer's Chopper or Mechano-Hog. Likewise, those with high Jewelcrafting and Enchanting become very in-demand for players who want to maximize their gear for Raids.

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