Monday, 22 March 2021 00:00

Star Wars: 10 Strongest Mandalorians According To The Lore

Written by Sid Natividad
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Mandalorians follow the same creed and code but they aren't comparable in terms of strength. These strongest Mandalorians stand out above the rest.

Ever since a certain Mandalorian from Star Wars popped up at Darth Vader's side decades ago, the fanbase has been fanboying (and fangirling) over the armor-clad glory of Mandalorians. It wasn't until Disney+'s The Mandalorian that these warriors finally got the widespread spotlight they deserved.

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As it is, Mandalorians are currently the hottest stuff in Star Wars at the moment. The funny thing is, The Mandalorian's protagonist isn't even the best of them. In fact, there are many others in the Star Wars lore who probably deserve at least a mention in the show or have already displayed their prowess. Time to get familiar with them.

10 Paz Vizsla

Little is known or shown about Paz Vizsla apart from being a side character in The Mandalorian voiced by none other than director Jon Favreau. Still, with the little screentime Paz Vizsla had, he has proven himself to be a tough and formidable Mandalorian.

He's well remembered for being able to go toe-to-toe with Din Djarin, the show's protagonist. More than that, he's the one who saved the protagonist and took on several Imperial troopers despite the disadvantageous position.

9 Sabine Wren

Sabine Wren was one of the luckier Mandalorians who experienced growing up on their home planet but her life was fraught with war, making her a hardened warrior at such a young age. Among the Mandalorians both seasoned and green, she's one of the most skilled.

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Sabine's forte is in sabotage, making her a valuable asset to the weakened Mandalorians near the end of the Galactic Republic. Moreover, she's also an expert pilot, marksman, hacker, and undercover agent. Give her a few more years and she'd probably be more skillful than Din Djarin. Well, she probably already is given the timeline progression.

8 The Armorer

Much like Paz Vizsla, The Armorer is but a side character in The Mandalorian and wasn't given much opportunity for exposition. However, she's no doubt the top dog of the Mandalorian sect or covert located in Nevarro as she functions like the Matriarch or leader of the group.

Being a leader in Mandalorian culture is no joke. They usually only pick the best in everything as duels are legal in Mandalorian culture and it's easy to grab someone else's status if you're better than them. Judging how she made all the Mandalorian armor and how she took care of several Stormtroopers with nothing but a hammer in a hopeless spot, she's probably better than others in her local sect.

7 Pre Vizsla

Speaking of Mandalorians who are more or less better than everyone else, Pre Vizsla is quite a handful. He's the former leader of the Death Watch, which is a radical Mandalorian group seeking to bring back their old warmongering ways.

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He was able to take over Mandalore for a time and even wielded the Darksaber. Only a select few are worthy of such a weapon. When dueled by a Sith Lord, namely Maul, he even nearly won. Granted, Maul isn't that good of a Sith Lord but still, Pre Vizsla came close to matching him in battle.

6 Jango Fett

Due to the recent changes or soft retcons in the Star Wars canon, Jango Fett is now a Mandalorian. He deserves to be called one anyway given his impact in the Star Wars film continuity. Jango is the notorious template for all Clone Troopers.

It's not often someone gets chosen in Star Wars to be cloned. That could only mean Jango is among the most efficient Mandalorians around. The fact that he can go toe-to-toe with Obi-Wan Kenobi is evident enough of his superiority. He did lose to Mace Windu via excessive lightsaber haircut but that dude was the best fighter in the Jedi Council so that loss is excused.

5 Bo-Katan Kryze

Not many would want to challenge a Sith Lord's commandos but Bo-Katan did so back in the Clone Wars era of Star Wars. When it comes to accolades, she's also one of the most distinguished royalties in Mandalore.

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Bo-Katan served as a lieutenant of the Death Watch and eventually as the leader of the Nite Owls. Being able to form your own splinter faction in Mandalore takes guts and skill and Bo-Katan has plenty. She even managed to survive long enough to be in The Mandalorian.

4 Din Djarin

Of course, Din Djarin, or Mando, or The Mandalorian just had to be here. There wouldn't be a show without his character. Out of all the Mandalorians in Star Wars, he has had the most character development.

Everything from his skills, strength, and even his morals have evolved much and made him a better warrior. He has even proven that he can take on a former Jedi who took on Darth Vader himself and lived. Earning himself the Darksaber was proof enough of his power.

3 Boba Fett

Then again, Din Djarin wouldn't have been alive long enough to win the Darksaber if it wasn't for Boba Fett, Jango's clone son. Boba is everything Jango is but more since he was able to live longer and accumulate better experience.

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Boba Fett saved Din Djarin's life and did so in style, being able to kill what was practically a whole battalion of Imperial Troopers with minimal effort. Now that he has his own show, we're about to see more of his Mandalorian feats.

2 Tarre Vizsla

Sadly, most Mandalorians' achievements pale in comparison with Tarre Vizsla's. That's because he's the only Mandalorian in Star Wars who was able to become a Jedi. Tarre Vizsla was the original owner of the Darksaber and he made that himself.

He also once became a leader of Mandalore and ushered in some sort of a Golden Age for the planet and the Mandalorians. That's why his descendants are a proud bunch though none of them inherited his Force sensitivity and aptitude for the Jedi arts.

1 Mandalore The Ultimate

Who could be better than Tarre Vizsla? Well, how about the greatest war hero of the Mandalorians himself, Mandalore the Ultimate? He's the leader of the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars and the one who singlehandedly turned the tide of the war.

He did so through sheer will and influence. Mandalore the Ultimate raised the remains of a failing race and rallied them against the Republic. He was only bested by Darth Revan, one of the most powerful Sith Lords in existence.

NEXT: Star Wars: The Original Trilogy's 10 Best Characters

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