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Tuesday, 23 March 2021 16:12

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town - How to Use Makers

Written by Brittni Finley
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Makers are essential to crafting and story progression in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town and are easy to create and use.

Makers are important tools used in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. They are machines used to craft products, such as turning Milk into Cheese or refining Silver Ore into Silver Ingots.

Unlike its predecessors, Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town requires more crafting around the farm in order to progress. Most refined products, such as Perfumes, Rings, and dishes, as well as the run-down buildings around the player's farm, have components that need to be thrown into a Maker. There are many different types of Makers as well, likely resulting in dozens scattered around the farmland. There are Lumber Makers, Ingot Makers, Jewel Makers, Seed Makers, Yarn Makers, Yogurt Makers, Cloth Makers, and so on. But despite how many types there might be, they're quite easy to use.

RELATED: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town Unveils New Gameplay Trailer and Features

To use a Maker, it must first be crafted, and each Maker requires different ingredients. For ones players will need earlier on, such as the Lumber and Ingot Makers, they only need basic components. Lumber Makers only require 20 Logs and Ingot Makers require 10 Logs and 10 Iron Ore, which can both be found around the player's farm in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. For example, the Seed Maker needs 5 Supple Lumber, 5 Gold Ingots, and 10 Wood Charcoal, which are items found around the expanded sections of the farm crafted with other Makers.

To craft the Maker, go to the Notebook by pressing X and tab over to the crafting window notated by the hammer. Hovering over an item will show what it needs in order to be crafted, and click A to craft the item. Afterward, it needs to be placed somewhere on the farm before it can be used.

After placing the Maker somewhere on the farm in Pioneers of Olive Town, click A to interact with it and a window with the player's bag inventory will pop up, highlighting only the items that can be thrown into that particular Maker, such as Logs with a Lumber Maker. Select the material to be processed and it will take a number of in-game hours to process. Higher-level items like Gold Ingots will take longer to create than their lower-level counterparts like Iron Ingots. When the item is finished processing, go grab it from the Maker by clicking A to interact with it.

Unfortunately, though many Makers will be required in a single playthrough of Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, but the machines cannot be placed immediately next to one other the way equipment like Furnaces and Preserves Jars can in Stardew Valley.

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is out now for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town Review

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