Friday, 26 March 2021 21:00

10 Tips To Help Players Survive Black Ops: Cold War Zombies Outbreak Mode

Written by Aden Carter
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The Zombies Outbreak mode in Black Ops: Cold War can be exhilarating and challenging. Here are some tips to help you survive better.

The new Outbreak mode in Black Ops: Cold War brings the fun of Warzone to Zombies. Players traverse some of the different sections of the Warzone map while they find loot, grind out kills, and complete challenges that award them with Aetherium. This new game mode can be a little daunting at first.

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Hordes of zombies come out of nowhere when a challenge starts and if players aren't prepared, they can easily go down in the first level. That is why it is important to prepare so players can go far and collect that all-important Aetherium.

10 Know The Symbols

When starting off in any of the maps it is important to know the symbols on the map. Some of these symbols are easy to decipher like the Mystery Box, Pack-A-Punch, Armor Stands, and Cars. However, some of these symbols can be confusing for newer players. World events in particular are harder to figure out and players may run to them without knowing what they are. The symbol with three skulls stands for a Requiem Recording. The dragon head symbol stands for a Dragon Relic, and the chest with a storm cloud stands for a Golden Chest.

9 Gather Some Points

Perhaps more than in the traditional game mode, points matter. Players need points for the Mystery Box and Pack-A-Punch. This seems like the normal game mode, but when the difficulty scales rapidly as it does in Outbreak, players will need all the points they can get. Players will find themselves spending thousands on the Mystery Box and needing to get that third upgrade from the Pack-A-Punch that costs thirty thousand. Luckily, points are easy to gather thanks to the myriad ways that exist across each map.

8 Complete Trials

The Trials Computer appears as a small old-school computer tower on the map and is one of the most important events players can participate in. While other events can get players a bunch of points, completing trials can get players legendary weapons, scrap, armor, and essence. These trials can range from being as easy as jumping through windows to killing enemies from a long distance. Completing enough of these can get players more points than even the best world event. Players don't even need to get legendary tier rewards to get great items. Even rare trier rewards can prove to be worthwhile.

7 Watch Out For Items

Items can drop from zombies, dogs, elites, and anything else in the world. This may seem like something that everybody knows, but the number of players who forget to pick these essential items up is astounding. Make sure to pay attention to what items drop.

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Items like salvage and scrap are needed to upgrade armor and create scorestreaks. Other items like lethal equipment can mean life or death when a horde of zombies appears. Even important items like self-revives can drop from sources in the world.

6 Keep On The Move

Something players tend to ignore about the Outbreak game mode is that enemies can respawn. Players may get comfortable and stay in one place. Doing that is a mistake and can often lead to someone getting killed. Zombies will respawn, which isn't a big deal when it's level one, but in higher levels, this can lead to special enemies appearing. Special enemies can more easily take down a player when they are caught off guard. Keeping on the move may seem like a simple tip, but it is an essential one nonetheless and one that will more often save a player's life.

5 Pack-A-Punch Early

The Pack-A-Punch is an expensive machine. The first upgrade costs five thousand, the second costs fifteen thousand, and the third costs thirty thousand. This is a steep price early on, but players who take their time and get at least one of the upgrades will be thanking themselves later on. Getting these upgrades early on in the first or second level will make things much easier later on. The difficulty of Outbreak increases way faster than it does in the standard game mode.

4 Stick Together

When playing on a team it is important to stick together. Depending on the number of players, this can work in different ways. Skilled players can run off alone if there are three players in the group, but if there are four players they should stick in teams of two. Just in case a player goes down, sticking together will help get them back up. Sticking together will also offer more firepower when a horde arrives. The more players there are in a game, the more zombies there will be. It is important to stick together so players don't get overwhelmed.

3 Keep A Car Nearby

Cars are a wonderous thing in Outbreak. They can be used in some of the trials to get an easy legendary reward, take down zombies with ease, and get a player quickly across each map. Keeping a car around should be a priority for all players in the new game mode.

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If a player goes down across the map, a car can easily help another player come to the rescue. If there is a horde, a car can easily run them all down (except for elites). If everyone is trying to exfil, a car can easily get them to exfil and help clear the area.

2 Use A Range Of Field Upgrades

There are multiple field upgrades that players can start the game mode off with. Players should always take advantage of these field upgrades and not all use the same one. If a player is using Ring of Fire, then someone else should be using Healing Aura. It's a bonus if a player has one of these field upgrades maxed out. These upgrades can be used anywhere, but players should maximize the effectiveness by using them when necessary. It won't be helpful to use Ring of Fire for one elite enemy. Rather, players should use it when there is a horde with multiple elites.

1 Complete Every World Event

There are three types of world events; Requiem Recordings, Dragon Relics, and Golden Chests. Not all of these world events will appear on each map, but there should be at least two. Complete these world events to get a range of rewards, some possibly even legendary. Dragon Relic missions have players feed a dragon zombies as they did in the Der Eisendrache map. Requiem Recordings have players learn about an elite in the area. Players then need to take out the horde and elite that appear on the map. Golden Chests have players prove their worth against a horde to gain access to the coveted chest of goodies.

NEXT: Black Ops Cold War: 10 Best Weapons To Start With In Zombies

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