Saturday, 27 March 2021 11:00

Kingdom Hearts: 10 Things You Need To Know About Roxas

Written by Kit Morris
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Roxas' place in the Kingdom Hearts universe can be somewhat confusing to follow. Here are some things that should clear it up a bit.

One of the most beloved characters in Kingdom Hearts is Roxas. He was officially introduced in Kingdom Hearts II, though he had been teased before then. Fans were very confused as to who he was when they first played as him, thinking that they would continue their adventure with Sora like they did in the two games prior, only to find a new character whose story seemed to have nothing to do with the plot they knew.

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However, throughout the next few hours, fans started liking him just as much as the characters they were used to and wanted to continue playing as him. He had his own game called 358/2 Days and has been a fan favorite ever since. Here are some things that all fans of the series should know about Roxas.

10 He Is Sora's Nobody

When someone turns into a heartless, they may also become a nobody. A nobody is basically what is left behind of a person after they lose their heart. In the original game, Sora sacrificed himself to save Kairi and turned into a heartless. Though he wasn't shown at the time, this is when Roxas was created. Most nobodies that look like people have the same appearance as the person they used to be, but because Sora turned back into his normal self so quickly, Roxas looks very different.

9 He Looks Just Like Ventus

So why does Roxas look the way he does? When Sora was born, his heart connected with Ventus', saving the former Union leaders' heart. Since Ventus is part of Sora, Roxas took his appearance. When Ventus was first introduced in Kingdom Hearts II's secret ending, fans actually believed that he was Roxas but he turned out to be a brand new character that was very different than the nobody.

8 He Joined Organization XIII

Roxas woke up in Twilight Town and Xemnas immediately found him. He gave him his name by switching the order of the letters in "Sora" and adding an X in them, just as he did with all of the other members. He then brought Roxas to The World That Never Was and had him join Organization XIII, giving them the keyblade wielder that they always wanted. Roxas went on missions for the organization without even knowing who they really were or what their goals were, believing that it was his purpose.

7 His Best Friends Are Axel And Xion

Roxas became best friends with two of the organization's other members, Axel and Xion. Axel was one of the original members of the organization, knowing Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, and Saix before they became nobodies.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts: 10 Things You Need To Know About Organization XIII

Xion was a replica who was also part of Sora, and as a result, connected to Roxas, though they didn't know this for a long time. Roxas spent most of his days hanging out with Axel and Xion at Twilight Town while they talked about their lives and ate ice cream.

6 He Can Wield Two Keyblades

Because of his connection to Sora and Ventus, Roxas can wield two keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion, at the same time. He wasn't able to do this, however, until after Xion returned to Sora as she wielded the keyblade that Roxas would later use. Oathkeeper and Oblivion also symbolize Sora's friendships, with Oathkeeper being his connection to Kairi while Oblivion being his connection to Riku.

5 He Lost His Memories

At the end of 358/2 Days, Roxas and Riku fought each other. By using the darkness within him, Riku was able to win the fight. As a result of the battle, both of them lost something. While Riku lost his appearance and temporarily looked like Ansem the Seeker of Darkness, Roxas lost his memories of his friends, the organization, and even wielding the keyblade(s). Riku and DiZ put Roxas into a simulation of Twilight Town and gave him fake memories.

4 He Had A Six Day Summer Vacation In A Fake Twilight Town

Roxas' life in the Twilight Town simulation was very different than the one he actually had. He had three new friends, Hayner, Pence, and Olette, who only had a week left of their summer vacation and didn't want to go back to school.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Sora

During these last few days, Roxas and his friends discovered secrets of the town, entered a tournament to fight in, etc. On his sixth day inside the simulation, Roxas found Sora and returned to him, knowing that his summer vacation was over.

3 He Had To Fight His Friends

Before returning to Sora, Roxas had to fight both of his best friends. He fought Xion before she returned to Sora, though he didn't want to hurt her. When she was defeated, everyone that knew her began to lose their memories of her, as if she never existed at all. Roxas left the organization after that and Axel was ordered to bring him back. They fought inside of the simulation as Axel tried to remind Roxas of who he was. Namine, a witch that the organization used to alter Sora's memories, also told Roxas the truth and the two of them became friends.

2 He Has A Strange Relationship With Sora

Though Sora cares a lot about Roxas, the nobody had mixed feelings towards the person that created him. On one hand, Roxas knew that Sora was a good person and that the world needed him more, accepting that he had to be part of Sora. On the other hand, Roxas couldn't have his own life and lost everything that he knew because of Sora. Before Sora met him, he fought Roxas and was surprised to find out that he had a nobody. Namine, who turned out to be Kairi's nobody returned to Kairi so she could spend her time with Roxas whenever Sora and Kairi were together. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but Sora and Kairi would come to regret this decision and tried to find a way to let their nobodies exist on their own.

1 He Returned In Kingdom Hearts III

After years of fans wanting to see Roxas' return, it finally happened towards the end of Kingdom Hearts III. By possessing a replica, Roxas, as well as Namine and Xion, were able to become their own people. Roxas teamed up with Axel and Xion in the fight between the Guardians of Light and the Seekers of Darkness. After they won, they returned to Twilight Town and Saix, Hayner, Pence, and Olette have joined their group. Roxas is finally free to do whatever he wants.

NEXT: Kingdom Hearts: 10 Ways Sora Changes Throughout The Series

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