Saturday, 27 March 2021 21:00

League Of Legends: The 10 Most Beginner Friendly Champions, Ranked

Written by Collin Westbrook
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League of Legends can be a challenge to learn for new players but becomes far easier when using these champions.

Despite the age of League of Legends and its competitive scene, it remains one of the premier competitive games on the market right now. So, it should come as no surprise that many new players enter such a complex world and struggle to make a foothold in it due to its massive champion pool.

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Despite this, League of Legends can actually be an incredibly accessible and fun competitive game for those with the time and knowledge to make it far into the scene. This begs the question, then: who are the best and most accessible champions for new players in League of Legends?

10 Miss Fortune

Many experienced players are surprised to play Miss Fortune, an AD-Carry which is usually considered a difficult role, and discover just how easy she is. She is a lane bully with a clear gameplan and the means to execute it without much difficulty.

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It usually only takes a few games before new players grasp her power-spikes and abuse them to get easy wins. Even so, she is still an AD-Carry, so mechanics are required to properly utilize her kit, but all the better for new players to get a headstart on learning these essential skills.

9 Lux

Lux isn't so much an easy character as she is a character that is both simple and teaches new players a lot about the game. Lux's kit is designed to be best used by someone who can properly lead and land skill shots onto low-health targets.

Although this may seem daunting at first, new players will quickly learn the fundamentals behind landing slow skill shots and be better for it. Learning requires taking steps forward, and Lux is the perfect character for doing just that.

8 Renekton

The top lane can seem intimidating because of its isolation from the rest of the map, but if there is any top laner that can take the mantle of being beginner-friendly while also dominating this isolated lane, it is most certainly Renekton.

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He is an early game bully and satisfying champion with a lot of presence all throughout the game. Despite his late-game being not as great as other farm-based characters in League of Legends, he can still rise to the occasion and carry easily, making any win satisfying for a new player.

7 Nautilus

Nautilus can be played in nearly any lane, but finds his home best as support. He isn't a typical support for gamers, as he has no heal, shield, or protection abilities. But, he is tanky, has a lot of crowd control, and can teach new players how to prioritize the enemy team in terms of focus.

A new player will find it comforting to have this low-effort but high-impact champion under their belt, even if he is slow to start and get rolling in the current meta.

6 Ekko

For an assassin, Ekko is both fun and easy-to-learn. He can use his abilities to weave in and out of fights while keeping his ultimate ready for when he gets low on health. Although skilled players know how to play around Ekko's strong kit, he also is perfect for learning when to engage in fights, split-push, or otherwise cause havoc quickly and easily.

His ultimate completes his already very strong kit, creating a strong, yet very safe and effective, assassin with a lot of wiggle room for new players. In other words, it's hard to make a game-ending mistake.

5 Vi

Vi's abilities are simple and easy-to-learn while also being extremely effective at isolating a single target. She is probably the easiest jungler to learn from scratch. Her abilities are extremely straight-forward and, despite jungle being an intimidating position to learn, she excels at making it an accessible role for beginning players, even when being overwhelmed by the new items in the game, mythic or otherwise.

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Even the most skilled Vi players use her first 3 abilities to engage and then her ultimate to finish off an enemy carry. Otherwise, she can be built either tanky or high on damage for when she is very fed, and this makes her a strong and flexible pick.

4 Yuumi

If there is one skill that beginners tend to forget, it's definitely the idea of positioning to maximize damage and survivability. Yuumi takes that idea and throws it out, preferring instead to latch on to another member of her team. This allows her to heal and be effective without the stress of knowing where to go looming over a beginner's shoulder.

Even so, skilled Yuumi players will be constantly changing the player they're attached to based on the needs of the team, and players will need to learn this skill to be effective.

3 Amumu

Amumu is a simple and incredibly powerful champion that anyone can pick up and master after a few games, including new players. He is a jungler, which is an influential but intimidating role. However, his abilities make him a strong tank and frontline, even when not played at the highest level.

His gameplan is simple and easy-to-grasp, and his ultimate is high impact and easy-to-land. All of this combined makes him a viable starter jungler for even the newest players, and he will ease anyone into the game without difficulty.

2 Annie

Annie is a mid lane mage or support that takes simplicity to new heights. She charges up her stun using abilities, and afterward, any offensive ability will stun enemies for an absurd amount of time. Coupled with her insane burst damage and ability to speed up herself or an ally, and she is truly a menace of the mid lane or equally powerful support for the current season.

All of her abilities are easily understood by new players and her gameplan is straightforward, making her a powerful and capable offensive threat with a lot of lane presence.

1 Garen

Garen is a top laner with an insanely simple kit, and using him will allow any beginning player to learn the fundamentals of the game without worrying about the abilities of their champion. He struggles against ranged champions, but new players will quickly learn different matchups and strategies, even while playing alone. Garen is the ideal champion for new players and will take them from level 1 to 30 in no time at all.

New League of Legends players will find a viable and easy champion in Garen, and he can carry games as well if powerful enough.

NEXT: League Of Legends: 5 Best Beginner-Friendly Champions (& 5 That Might Be Too Difficult)

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