Sunday, 28 March 2021 22:38

Most Impressive Valheim Constructions So Far | Game Rant

Written by Hunter Mass
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Indie darling Valheim from Iron Gate Studio inspires players to create cool and interesting buildings and constructions, even from the base options.

Launched at the start of February in Early Access, Valheim has become a beloved indie game by many players. On a base level, Valheim is a survival and crafting game inspired by Norse mythology. However, the imagination of players has created larger-than-life possibilities for the game. Iron Gate Studio is humbled by the game reaching over 5 million players, and the developer is committed to expanding the game's offering in the future.

The imagination of players majorly extends into the in-game creations in Valheim. Players create huge castles, fun mini-games, unique mods and more. Valheim players have made Viking beer pong tables, created expansive cities inspired by Lord of the Rings, and other exciting builds below.

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One of the most impressive construction in the game so far is when Sauron's Tower got recreated in Valheim. Built by RalladoGamer, the tower was a massive undertaking which features the iconic Eye of Sauron at the top. While the creator took some liberties with the design of the tower, it is primarily made up of stone, and green torches help give off mood lighting. The Eye itself was apparently made from a mix of fireplaces and torches. Lord of the Rings continues to inspire interesting builds in all sorts of crafting games, and Sauron's Tower in Valheim's world is a sight to see.

Another player is creating the city of Whiterun from Skyrim in Valheim. Redditor Djchieu has been working on the expansive city for quite some time now, and recently posted the 14th update for the build. It's still incomplete, but it was a massive undertaking from the get-go, and progress is going smoothly. Going through Djchieu's videos, several recognizable locations in Whiterun can be seen. The blacksmith, Warmaiden's, is right inside the gates, the marketplace is about finished, and the stone streets help the build look believable. It will be a long while before Whiterun in Valheim is fully completed, but it will be awesome to see.

Another Reddit user, Ericxsg, set out to create Stormwind Harbor from World of Warcraft. As one of the most popular cities for the Alliance in the iconic MMO, there was plenty of inspiration for Ericxsg to use in the design in this build. The backdrop of mountain, high-scaling stone walls, and accurately placed stone staircases help make this build recognizable. The docks themselves also took plenty of time to complete, and multiple boats already line the harbor, completing the look of Valheim's version of Stormwind Harbor.

No crafting game would be truly complete without someone recreating an iconic locale or ship from Star Wars. Redditor Colonel-James-Parker set out to recreate Star Wars' Millenium Falcon in Valheim, and while he states it is only a test build, it looks pretty great. The exterior design of the iconic ship is immediately recognizable, and even the interior is explorable. While every detail can't be recreated accurately, notes like the green torch on the top, and an "open window" for the cockpit help add some flair. Plus, green torches line the back of the build to give the illusion of the glow of the ship's exhaust.

Another impressive build is when a Valheim player made the Eiffel Tower in game. Even though Reddit user huggedahl used a mod so they wouldn't have to worry about gravity and the stability physics in the game, this Eiffel Tower of stone is still iconic. Especially from a distance, the build looks so life-like. Up close, players can see the the intricate way the stone is laid to make this build. While it looks a little like something from Minecraft, the stone colossus is still distinctly Valheim.

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No one who built the original Notre-Dame de Paris in 1163 would have ever been able to dream of the concept of video games, let alone the fact that a gamer recreated Notre-Dame in a game called Valheim. Reddit user GIPv posted the massive construction on the site, which immediately garnered attention. The player explained how they started with the frame of the building first, and then went on to fill it in. Valheim's Notre-Dame is mostly made of wood iron beams to help give it stability. Though built from wood, the in-game version of the iconic cathedral is pretty accurate. The towers are recognizable, the window facades look decent, and other architectural notes make an appearance.

Next, another Valheim player made a US Navy battleship based on Iowa class of ships. The build was made by wjdql6434 and posted on Reddit, and is gigantic in scale. Several karves and rafts in the game are placed around the construction to show scale. Made almost entirely of wood walls, pillars, and floors, the ship is a marvel.

Who would have thought a Valheim player would build a roller coaster in the game, but YouTuber DEPPENTREFF found a way. Going from mountaintop to river below, the rollercoaster miraculously takes the player's karve ship through dips and curve without destroying the ship. While there are no loops as of yet, the in-game engineering to make this work is what makes this build special. Stability physics are very important in Valheim, and the player was able to put together the construction ridiculously high up. The "roller coaster" is build primarily from wood beams and poles, with some roof pieces to help with the curves.

While this next construction isn't as intensive as a Millennium Falcon or Sauron's Tower, it is still interesting that several players have found a way to tell time in Valheim. In the 30-minute day/night cycle split between 21-minutes of daytime and 9-minutes of nighttime, the sun moves in a predictable pattern. Due to this, these sundials are an accurate way to tell how much longer a player will have in a day. This can be especially useful when deciding whether or not to leave a base or camp to explore or search for resources. While nighttime isn't an immediate death threat, it does get more dangerous, which some players may want to avoid.

The penultimate creation shown here is Khrynn's Wizard's Tower. The hugely tall, spiraling building stands on a small island. The Wizard's Tower is constructed around a thin tree, which helps keep it stable. Khrynn used plenty of reinforced steel beams to help keep his creation standing, and the tower stands about 66 meters tall. The interior of the tower consists of a main spiraling staircase, with different floor levels filled with different furniture items, as the staircase weaves in and out of the tower. Apparently, the island itself wasn't originally that big either, and the builder had to raise a large swath of ground. Overall, this tower is a pretty cool creation.

The final Valheim construction in the list is Amsix's small portal hub. Not having to worry about keeping a massively tall building stable certainly helped this builder add a unique design to their portal hub. Situated in the woods, a dirt path leads up to buildings entrance. Players will notice numerous swirling beams and crisscrossing, curved patterns. For anyone wanting a fancy way to teleport around Valheim, this portal hub might be a great building to emulate.

Overall, the Valheim community has huge imaginations that can barely be contained by the game. These are just some examples of the cool constructions that players have built, but there are so many more. With the upcoming Hearth and Home Update that the developers are working on, there will no doubt be even more unique and impressive creations in the future.

Valheim is available now on PC.

MORE: Valheim's Connections to Norse Mythology

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