
News (174835)

Ubisoft states the glow-up of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is scheduled to continue throughout 2021, with additional content planned for release.
With a month left until release, Capcom has shown off many Monster Hunter Rise monsters, but a quest list screenshot seems to confirm Barroth.
Friday, 26 February 2021 01:23

Outriders Demo: How to Farm Legendaries | Game Rant

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The Outriders demo allows fans to complete the first chapter in the game, play with the four classes, and farm the rarest gear in the game
Friday, 26 February 2021 01:00

Game Rant Arcade Episode 10 | Game Rant

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Game Rant Arcade Episode 10 is now here, following one of the busiest weeks the video game insustry has had in quite some time.
Every story within this universe is meant to serve as a part of the greater tapestry Marvel weaves; not to simply serve as a stepping stone.
A new gameplay trailer for Hood: Outlaws and Legends gives a deep dive into one of the multiple classes that will be available in the title.
The rewards for completing the Prison Mail Requests in Persona 5 Strikers are worth the effort, so here's how to complete them quickly.
The Keening dagger is one of the most interesting weapons in the Elder Scrolls games. But what is so special about this mysterious weapon?