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Playing a video game and falling in love with it is a phenomenal experience, and that same journey can be made even better with a powerful soundtrack to go with it. For those that are fans of Devil May Cry 5: Vergil DLC, Okami, and Dino Crisis, Capcom has just announced that it is releasing those video game soundtracks on Steam and Spotify for fans to further enjoy the gaming worlds they love so much.
Capcom took to its blog today to reveal the good news, adding even more gaming soundtracks to its list of over 50 available now. Whether you like the edgier sounds of Devil May Cry 5's Vergil DLC or want to take a calming journey back into the world of Okami, both are coming to Steam and Spotify. The first two Dino Crisis games are also getting their soundtracks added as well, which is great considering it feels like we're never going to get the remake fans have been hoping for.
There is a little bit of salt; we'll be ok.
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For those interested, Capcom has provided links to each soundtrack added, which can be seen below:
The added OSTs come in FLAC, AAC, and MP3 file formats so that players can choose how they want to optimize their downloads. Capcom also added that lyrics for certain songs can be found in the metadata, making it easier to have your own impromptu karaoke Party For One.
Don't want to use Steam for some reason? That's totally fine! Capcom also added these soundtracks to Spotify to join the rest of the game music added there previously.
The Okami, Devil May Cry 5 Vergil's Rebirth, and Dino Crisis soundtracks are now available on Steam and Spotify. Happy listening!
When we reviewed Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid in 2019, we weren't exactly blown away. However, the title has continued growing with several new pieces of content in the two years since launch. While past DLC has introduced various characters from across the Power Rangers franchise's myriad eras, developer nWay today made its most eye-catching announcement yet: Ryu and Chun-Li from Capcom's Street Fighter series are joining the roster.
Announced exclusively by IGN, Ryu and Chun-Li are set to join the roster of Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid on May 25. The pack, which will cost $12.50, includes both fighters and future exclusive skins. If you want just one of the characters, they can be purchased for $6 each (though it seems like you'll miss out on the exclusive skins if you go this route).
The inclusion of Ryu and Chun-Li in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid came thanks to fan demand. While that may sound like a random request for the community to make, it's not that off the wall. In 2018, Ryu and Chun-Li were among six Street Fighter characters that joined Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, a free-to-play mobile title – Guile, Akuma, Cammy, and M. Bison (Dictator) were the other four.
In Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, Ryu transforms into the Crimson Hawk Ranger, while Chun-Li turns into the Blue Phoenix Ranger. Each character has their suite of trademark moves, including Hadouken, Shoryuken, and Spinning Bird Kick.
You can see the trailer below:
Click here to watch embedded mediaCrossing over is not some sort of new trick for the Street Fighter characters. In addition to their vast collection of appearances alongside some of the most beloved comic-book characters in the long-running Marvel vs. Capcom fighting series, Street Fighter characters have appeared in Super Smash Bros., Asura's Wrath, Fortnite, Street Fighter X Tekken, Project X Zone, and more.
Ryu and Chun-Li join Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid on May 25. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia, and PC. It's also currently included with Xbox Game Pass subscriptions, so if you happen to be an active subscriber, you can try the game out at no additional charge before you take the plunge with these newly announced DLC characters.
[Source: IGN]
Today, the Blizzard Arcade Collection is getting two more additions free of charge alongside a patch that comes with some other nice features and updates. The Blizzard Arcade Collection gets Lost Vikings 2 and RPM Racing to go along with the other games in the package! The Blizzard Arcade Collection, a throwback anthology, is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.
The Lost Vikings 2 is probably the biggest addition with today’s update, giving players another adventure to tackle with Erik, Baleog, and Olaf as they combine their abilities to solve puzzles and work their way through challenges. The Lost Vikings 2 built on the original structure and added two companions to the mix. That’s right, get ready to explore with Fang the werewolf and Scorch the dragon as you figure out each encounter using each Viking's abilities.
RPM Racing is the precursor to Rock N Roll Racing, so if you’re already familiar with that game in the package, look for this to give you a bit of a history lesson as to where Rock N Roll Racing came from. It’s a bit rougher around the edges, but it comes with an assortment of vehicles to select, various upgrades to pick from, and rockin' car crashing and thrashing fun. While I don’t think that RPM Racing has aged particularly well, it’s a cool look back into Blizzard roots.
On top of the two new games, the Museum now includes a fascinating Design Document gallery. If you’re into gaming history, development, or basically any part of games that aren’t just playing the finished product, looking over these is an interesting look into how the magic happens from the early ideas and concepts to the final pixels. While it’s not a game, this is probably the most interesting aspect of this update.
If you had concerns about streaming Rock N Roll Racing, a Streamer mode has been added so you can still rock on without having to worry about the songs triggering potential action on your videos and streams. Streamer modes are a great addition to any title these days, so it’s cool to have this just in case you ever want to go back and take a look at this one live.
What do you think about the new additions to The Blizzard Arcade Collection? Do you enjoy going back and playing old games today? Let us know in the comments!