Monday, 22 March 2021 21:00

Fall Guys: How to Get the Among Us Crewmate and Imposter Skins

Written by Jonathan Sayers
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Fans of Among Us have the exciting opportunity to play as a Crewmate or Imposter in the newest season of Fall Guys, and this guide explains how.

Fall Guys is back with another season of platforming antics. In Season 4, things have taken a futuristic turn with the premise of taking place in the year 4041. This means that new stages and game modes have taken on a bright neon aesthetic, and players can earn flashy skins for their bean characters too. Going along perfectly with the theme of a future setting, this season of Fall Guys features a collaboration with another highly popular game: Among Us.

As part of the collaboration, players can obtain a skin in Fall Guys that makes their bean take on the appearance of an Among Us Crewmate or Imposter. The collaboration comes at a perfect time - not only is Fall Guys kicking off a brand new season, but Among Us is also slated to be updated with a new map soon. Fans of either game have a lot to look forward to, and they will be eager to get their hands on the new skin in Fall Guys. This guide will be a handy reference for accomplishing just that.

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One important thing to note about the Crewmate skin in Fall Guys is that it only comes in one color - red. Fans of Among Us who are interested in sporting all the different Crewmate colors from the original game might be disappointed in this fact. However, team-based game modes in Fall Guys tend to change the colors of a player's equipped skins. This means that it is possible to become a blue, green, or yellow Crewmate as well, under certain random circumstances.

The process of actually obtaining the Crewmate skin is just a matter of grinding. The skin is a reward from the current season's Fame Path, the Fall Guys version of a battle pass that players may be familiar with from other online games like Pokemon Unite. Skins in Fall Guys come in a top half and a bottom half. The bottom half of the Crewmate skin is obtained at level 21 of the Fame Path, and the top half comes at level 26. This is good news for players who are excited about this skin, as it isn't too far into the Fame Path.

Leveling up Fame quickly can be a bit of a chore, however. The most reliable method is, of course, to rank highly in matches. Winning often is the best way to accumulate Fame efficiently. Another method that should excite frequent Fall Guys players is the new Daily Challenges feature. Logging in each day and completing daily challenges is a quick and easy way to build up Fame and come that much closer to claiming the Among Us skin and other worthwhile rewards.

For those who are curious about the Among Us Imposter skin in Fall Guys, look no further. It's not actually a separate skin, but a variant of the Crewmate skin. Just as players can randomly be put in the position of an Imposter in Among Us, the same is true in Fall Guys. While wearing both the top and bottom parts of the Crewmate skin, there is a random chance that the player will take on the appearance of an Imposter with a cracked visor and vicious fangs.

Fall Guys is available now on PC and PS4, with ports in the works for Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Epic Games' Fall Guys Acquisition is a Big Deal

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