Friday, 19 February 2021 19:15

Apex Legends: 10 Pro-Tips That Will Have You Improving In No Time

Written by Payton Lott
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Apex Legends is a game filled with skillful players. If you're looking to seriously compete, here are some tips to help you improve.

Apex Legends has been free to play on all platforms for over two years now. With the introduction of cross-play in October of 2020, the Apex community is alive and well. Even though the title has passed its two-year anniversary, players of all skill levels can still take steps to improve their chances of success in-game.

RELATED: Apex Legends: 15 Tips for Beginners

One of the best ways to improve is to heed the advice of experienced players and professionals who have demonstrated success in Apex. The following professional tips and tactics will help gamers to get more kills and win more matches.

10 Armor First

Even professionals sometimes slip up and assume they are safe after wiping an enemy team. No player is safe in Apex until they are the only team left in the match. After taking down enemies, gamers should loot armor first every time. If enemies spontaneously appear, players will have shields and be ready to fight. Having full armor is far more important than picking up a slightly better gun.

9 Use Ziplines When Outnumbered

There are a few buildings in the game that have vertical ziplines, and they are one of the best ways to deal with multiple enemies. Players that zipline up will only have to deal with one enemy cabling up to them at a time. Additionally, players can jump off of the zipline unexpectedly and kill enemies that are cabling up. These buildings are probably the best locations to avoid or take on more than one opposing player at a time.

8 Don't Kick Open Doors

It is tempting to push through doors as fast as possible and take the fight to opposing players. However, if there is an enemy on the other side of a door, it will not open.  Apex gamers can try to knock down the door to scare opposing players on the other side, but they should never actually kick it open. Kicking open doors will often give enemy players all the time they need to get a down. Instead, players should press the open door button once. If the enemy retreats, the door will crack open.

7 Checking Peek Locations And Entrances

Because movement is so important in Apex, players should take time to familiarize themselves with the buildings and structures on each map. Every building will have multiple peek locations and entrances. Once Apex players have better map awareness, they can start to pre-aim and anticipate peeks. In any FPS game, gamers know to never go through the front door. Each building in the game has multiple entrances, and players should always try to find the path less traveled.

6 Lower Your Sensitivity

New Apex players want to be dominant players as soon as they drop in. Unfortunately, there is a learning curve in Apex just like there is in every FPS game. Beginners should not feel the need to have their sensitivity maxed out. Even some pro players play on average or lower sensitivity. By lowering sensitivity, beginners can get a feel for the recoil and aiming system in Apex. Playing on a lower sensitivity will also help players to develop the game sense they need to win matches.

5 Rail Sliding

Apex Legends is a movement-based FPS game. Professional players are always jumping and sliding around the map. Any object on the map that is tilted will allow players to extend their rail slides and move quicker. Great Apex players separate themselves from the rest of the community by combining precise aim with crafty movement. Moving and sliding targets are much harder to hit, and gamers that want to improve should be utilizing the game mechanics to outmaneuver opponents.

4 How to Tell If You Are In The Zone

Surprisingly, many players do not know that the minimap will show the zone as flashing when a player is not in the new circle. Players are also given a small bar to look at. However, the bar only appears when the zone is closing. All players have to do is take a glance at the mini-map to know if they are in a good position before the zone fully collapses.

3 Have An Escape Plan

As many players should know, the audio in Apex can be shoddy at times. Gamers should always be prepared for a gunfight, no matter where they are on the map. At any moment, an opponent can appear and catch a player off guard. Professionals are always one step ahead of opponents, and ready to escape from entire squads. Beginners should develop creative ways to dive in and out of gunfights.

2 Smart Engagements

The best players in Apex do not fight every opponent they see. Gamers should evaluate the chances of succeeding in an engagement before firing their weapon. Enemies that have a noticeable height or cover advantage are probably not the best opponents to push. Because characters in Apex have a lot of health, it is difficult to fight more than one opponent at a time. Patience is important for players that want to get kills and survive until the final collapse.

1 Communication And Team Dynamics

Communication is extremely important in a game that requires carefully timed movement and rotations. Every player on each team needs to be relaying observations and intentions throughout every match. Squads of average players with good communication will defeat elite players with poor teamwork. Pick a squad that is committed to playing together and actively communicates.

NEXT: 10 Tips To Get Ahead In Apex Legends Solo Mode

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