Sunday, 28 February 2021 18:15

Apex Legends: A Complete Guide To Mirage | Game Rant

Written by Payton Lott
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Mirage can be quite the nuisance in a match of Apex Legends. Here's everything you need to know about playing as him.

Mirage has been one of the forgotten Legends in Apex since the game was launched. Most experienced players assumed they would have an easy kill against the Legend, who had weak abilities compared to the S tier characters. However, the underutilized Mirage is now one of the best to use in the game.

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Even better, Mirage is one of the few viable Legends that is actually fun to use. Players that enjoy fast-paced attacking gameplay will fall in love with the character. Mirage's abilities allow gamers to completely dumbfound enemy teams. As the name suggests, Mirage is one of the best escape artists in Apex.

5 Season 8 Buff

Before a timely Season 8 buff, Mirage was one of the least used characters in Apex. The bottom tier legend was essentially a meme in the community. Gamers assumed that anyone using Mirage was not very good at the game. After the buff, professionals and content creators were captivated by the effectiveness of his abilities. Mirage's abilities create decoy players to trick enemies. Before Season 8, Mirage's decoys did not have believable audio. It was very easy for players to differentiate the real Mirage from his decoys. Respawn decided to give the decoys the same footstep audio as actual players, and the decision was a great one. Mirage is by no means the best legend in the game, but he is certainly now in the top tier.

4 Psyche Out

Mirage's tactical ability is psyche out. The ability allows players to deploy a decoy character to "bamboozle" enemies, as the voice line states in-game. Gamers can send the decoy in a straight line, or control its movements. Psyche out is an effective way to draw enemy gunfire to a particular location. Players can use the ability offensively to perform a flank or snipe, and it can be used defensively to heal and shield up. There are a variety of ways to use the ability, and players can get creative when engaging enemy teams. The ability cools down every 15 seconds and lasts for an entire minute. With the Season 8 buff, enemies will hear the audio and be hoodwinked by the hologram.

3 Now You See Me

The passive ability "now you see me" makes Mirage one of the most difficult players to finish off when he is downed. If Mirage is downed, the character will deploy a decoy that appears to be in the downed player animation. At the same time, the real Mirage is invisible, allowing players to seek effective cover.

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Apex gamers will have five seconds of invisibility before the ability wears off. Additionally, if Mirage revives a teammate with a respawn beacon, both players will become invisible for a short period.

2 Life Of The Party

Mirage's ultimate ability, life of the party, will cause mass confusion. The legend can deploy five decoys at once, all of which mimic real player movement. At the same time, Mirage is granted invisibility for one second. Now that Mirage's decoys have realistic audio as well, enemies in tight spaces will have no idea who the real mirage is. Apex players should try to move in a more mechanical manner to mimic the AI movement of the decoys. Unlucky opponents will be too busy fighting five decoys to be prepared for a push from Mirage.

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Life of the party only takes a minute to recharge, making Mirage even more powerful. Players need to observe and practice moving like the decoys to master the ability. Mirage mains that slide, mantle, and jump will give themselves away. The character's decoys are unable to climb walls or zip lines as well. Apex players will enjoy using all of the character's deceptive tactics, and life of the party will almost always lead to several easy kills.

1 Versatility And Gameplay Style

Mirage is a character best suited for players that like to bring the fight to opponents. His smoke and mirrors abilities are best utilized up close, as the audio of decoy footsteps will have enemies second-guessing their every decision. Players can use any weapon with the legend, as long as they have a close-range weapon, such as a shotgun or SMG.

Because of how unique Mirage is, he can be used in defensive positions as well. However, the legend is more impressive at close ranges. The quick recharge time of Mirage's abilities make the legend even more dominant in battle royale. Mirage is unquestionably one of the most fun Legends to use in a game that needed a change to keep players engaged. The character has made a meteoric rise in popularity, and players that solo queue better hope they get to pick first. Fair warning, Apex players will probably have a number of frightening moments trying to locate the real Mirage.

NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Tips & Tricks On Using Assault Rifles

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