Apex Legends has recently marked its second anniversary, and as a live service game, it received tons of content updates during that time. Most importantly, the original roster of playable characters has expanded to include a total of 16 Legends, each equipped with unique abilities and traits. For a newcomer, such an amount of heroes might be overwhelming.
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Each Legend belongs to a certain class, which determines the primary purpose of a character. Moreover, each hero has a different set of passive perks, tactical abilities, and ultimate abilities that vary in difficulty. As a result, there’re both newcomer-friendly Legends and complex characters that are hard to master.
16 Bangalore – The Starter Pack

Bangalore is a straightforward attacking character with a set of understandable abilities. This is the easiest character to tame for a newcomer. When Bangalore is spotted, she receives a temporary speed boost to quickly reposition or get to cover.
The tactical ability, a double smoke grenade, allows hiding from the enemies, while the ultimate ability, an artillery strike, can serve both offensive or defensive purposes.
15 Gibraltar – Offensive Protector

Gibraltar is slightly less versatile than Bangalore but far more forgiving. As a character with a massive hitbox, he receives 15% less damage and can’t be slowed by incoming fire. His passive perk, a gun shield, helps outlive the enemies in a direct firefight as it absorbs a slice of damage.
The tactical ability, a force-field dome, reflects all the incoming damage and is easy to deploy. Finally, the devastating artillery bombardment is capable of dealing huge amounts of damage to enemies within seconds.
14 Fuse – Explosive Personality

Fuse is the latest addition to Apex Legends’ roster, although he heavily reminds of earlier characters available in the base game. He’s another straightforward and simple gunner who specializes in explosives. Fuse is great for learning the tactical value of throwables in the game as he can throw them further and more precisely.
Fuse's ultimate ability allows for massive area damage and control, which is useful for both attacking and fleeing out of combat.
13 Rampart – Heavy Weapons Expert

Rampart is the impersonation of a living sentry gun. She can easily cover herself in protective barriers and create a fortified firing point after deploying the trusty machine gun, Sheila. The character is easy to learn, although Rampart requires a bit of skill to be useful in a team.
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Additionally, Rampart has a passive perk that increases LMGs’ magazine capacity and decreases reload times, which might be crucial for newcomers.
12 Crypto – Vengeful Hacker

Crypto is a relatively simple character that is more useful in a team than on his own. The Legend can summon a tracking drone that is capable of scanning enemies and launching an EMP wave as an ultimate ability. It deals damage to opponents’ shields and disables any existing traps.
However, Crypto remains vulnerable when controlling the drone. The character is a great choice for players who want to navigate the battlefield from a safe distance.
11 Caustic – Toxic Maniac

Caustic is the second character in the game to receive 15% less damage because of his hitbox. It makes him easier to engage in firefights, but using his abilities still requires a bit of skill. Caustic can place gas traps literally everywhere and throw a devastating gas grenade.
The character is especially useful in combat within small enclosed environments. There, even inexperienced players can score a few kills thanks to the deadly gas.
10 Loba – Looter-Shooter

Loba is literally the treasure hunter in Apex Legends. She can see epic and legendary items through walls, which is helpful for the character and her team to survive. Better equipment equals better chances of winning a firefight against more seasoned players.
Additionally, Loba can place a special device that gives access to all the loot in a set range. Thus, the Legend can get the best items in an area or sneakily steal a purple shield in front of an enemy.
9 Revenant – The Death Impersonated

Revenant sounds and looks as if he came straight out of hell, which is partially true considering the backstory. This is not an easy character to master since his abilities are focused on offensive measures. The tactical ability blocks all the enemies’ skills on hit, allowing Revenant to fully control their actions.
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The ultimate ability is basically a second chance. The character runs into action and then spawns back at the totem after death to engage in the combat once more.
8 Octane – Crazy Speedster

Octane requires a lot of control and quick decision-making since he lives fast and dies fast as well. Octane's tactical ability allows him to inject himself with a serum that gives a temporary speed boost, enabling him to outrun enemies and rapidly change positions at the cost of health points.
The ultimate ability spawns a jump pad to reach new heights and get behind enemy lines. The character’s performance hugely depends on a player’s individual skill.
7 Mirage – Egocentric Trickster

A comic character of Apex Legends, Mirage is no joke gameplay-wise. His abilities are designed in such a way so that he could trick enemies into thinking that he’s in a completely different place. This is a hero for players who absolutely love playing mind games.
Mirage is also quite difficult since he doesn’t have any straightforward offensive skills. To be successful as this character, a player needs to have experience in Apex Legends.
6 Pathfinder – The Friendly Killbot

Equipped with a trusty grappling hook, Pathfinder is semi-hard as a playable character. While his abilities are fairly simple, the hero nonetheless requires a lot of practice and spatial awareness to master and take advantage of.
For instance, the very basic grappling hook can launch the character in the air with various precision and efficiency, depending on how good a player understands the in-game physics.
5 Bloodhound – A Seasoned Detective

Bloodhound can track down enemies by reading their footprints, and he can also scan the surroundings for any opponents in the range. This makes the hero an offensive character that is always highly valued right in the middle of a firefight.
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Additionally, Bloodhound players need to have an excellent aim, simply because the character’s ultimate ability dramatically alters FOV, which might affect shooting accuracy.
4 Wattson – Tesla Of Apex Games

Wattson is one of the most complex characters in Apex Legends. Her abilities are strictly team-based as she’s almost useless in solo games. While Wattson is deploying her electric fences and planting the pylon, the rest of the squad secures the perimeter and takes advantage of newly-erected defenses.
Wattson is great to hold a crucial tactical position, but she can also be situationally useful, which requires quick thinking from a player.
3 Lifeline – Battle Medic

Lifeline is the most valuable support character in the game, but to fulfill her gameplay potential properly, a player needs to be really skilled. The battle medic can revive fallen teammates under fire, covering them with an impenetrable force field for the duration of reviving.
The very same force field can be used to establish dominance during a firefight and turn the tables in Lifeline’s favor. She also calls in loot-loaded drop pods that can become a valuable cover.
2 Horizon – The Gravity Tamer

Although Horizon’s abilities are far from rocket science, they do require a lot of skill to be used correctly. The character can propel herself (as well as teammates, enemies, and throwables) in the air with the help of an antigravity beam, which lasts for a few seconds and is crucial for immediate repositioning.
Horizon’s ultimate ability is literally a black hole generator, which sucks in players and grenades within a small area. When used properly, it can change the outcome of a battle in mere seconds.
1 Wraith – Danger Comes In Tiny

Wraith is arguably the hardest Legend in the game. With her supernatural abilities, she’s only good at the very heart of the battle, and to keep such a fast and action-packed pace, a player needs to be very talented. Basically, Wraith is very skill-dependent, which is why she is widely loved by pros.
Because of a tiny hitbox, Wraith also receives 5% more incoming damage, which makes her even harder than she already is.
NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Things Players Need To Stop Doing (If They Want To Win)