Apex Legends Season 9 is still a little way out, but there have been leaks that suggest what the Legend coming in that season is going to be able to do. For those familiar with Titanfall, the recent leak suggests that a character from the series, Blisk, will be the next Legend.
Judging by these leaks, Blisk could be an extremely overpowered character in Apex Legends. Of course, it's difficult to tell these things until the Legend actually releases. What seemingly adds credence to this leak in particular is that it seemingly comes from a Switch test build, but while this leak may or may not turn out to be accurate, he may already need a nerf based on what's known so far.
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Sure to make the heats beat faster of every Titanfall fan, the Ultimate Ability Blisk is leaked to have is called Standby For Titanfall. This drops in an Auto-Titan, which lands and lays down fire in a certain direction. Thus far, it appears players won't be able to control this Titan, but it should still act as a great way to lay down fire in a certain direction without needing to dedicate a squad member to that spot.
It depends on how much damage this Titan does, but if it's a significant amount, this could be an absolutely devastating ability. Especially in those later circles, the Titan should theoretically be able to blanket a large portion of the remaining circle in damage. While it's possible that this Auto-Titan fire could damage Blisk himself if he strays into the line of fire, his teammates almost certainly will not, meaning a coordinated squad should be able to spread out and dominate that final circle.

Blisk's rumored Tactical Ability is called My Ring, My Rules. Blisk is the founder of the Apex Games, so it only follows that he would have some kind of control over the Ring and its technology. While lore-wise, this isn't entirely fair to the other competitors in the Apex Games, it should make for some entertaining banter and moments, provided Blisk is actually on the way.
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My Ring, My Rules allows Blisk to create a damaging zone inside the Apex Legends Ring. It seems like this zone would function and deal damage like the normal Ring, though he would have control over where this miniaturized version materializes. It's not clear whether this ability will scale damage-wise with the Ring throughout the match, or if it will stay at a constant damage all the time. Regardless, this is another ability that causes damage in an area; on top of his Ultimate Ability, Blisk could have some serious area-denial capabilities making him brutal to come up against in the late game.

Blisk is rumored to have access to two Passive Abilities: the ability to wall-run like other characters from Titanfall, and the ability to hack Survey Beacons like the other Recon Legends in Apex. Wall running could be a really beneficial ability in Apex, giving Blisk some movement capabilities that don't take up a Tactical or Ultimate Ability slot, like Octane's and Pathfinder's do. This would put him more along the lines of Revenant, though the ability to wall-run could possibly end up being more useful than crouch-walking faster and climbing higher, though that remains to be seen.
Hacking Survey Beacons is not a new ability in Apex, but that's not discounting how useful of an ability it is, especially in certain squad lineups. Apex Squad compositions with characters like Caustic or Wattson benefit greatly from setting up in a location and defending it as opposed to attacking it, and figuring out where the circle is going to be before other squads have that info is crucial in accomplishing that. Overall, it's a lot for one character and, as such, all of this seems unlikely for any one character to do.
Apex Legends is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.