[UPDATE: Bungie says all issues impacting players have been resolved.]
Destiny 2 is only a few days into its latest season, Season of the Chosen, but it appears there is a bit of a hiccup in the servers causing some disruption. Season of the Chosen has brought in Caiatl as a major player this season, with the Vanguard disrupting her efforts to strengthen her military might. It is exciting stuff, but if the servers are acting up over at Bungie, it could prevent players from getting at the new content.
With new objectives, raids, and quests to tackle, many of Destiny 2's faithful fans are in the middle of unlocking new and exciting items, such as the Dead Man's Tale Exotic Quest. Some of these events are hugely time consuming, and players on a roll might not be able to save their progress midway through. Which is why servers going down is a big deal in the game.
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As of 10pm PST/1am EST, players are reporting serious outages and error code Calabrese on Bungie's servers, with players kicked out of Destiny 2 and left wondering what is going on, and what happened to all the progress they were making. Bungie Help has made note of the issue and is currently looking into the matter, though there doesn't seem to be an immediate fix.
Posts online lamenting the servers going down run the gamut from eye rolls, pure rage, and distraught players on the verge of a first win in the Crucible. The flood of reports to Down Detector started around 9:00pm PST/12:00am EST, and have continued since.
With any game that has a significant online presence, there is always the possibility of servers going down. From Call of Duty: Warzone to Fortnite to Destiny 2, online infrastructure is always under duress and at times, just breaks. With these kinds of games continually updating for the player base, it makes them naturally a little unstable. The return of the Cosmodrome strike, Fallen S.A.B.E.R., was delayed after it was discovered that a bug could potentially block player progress. As a result it was removed and is being fixed. While some amount of QA testing is done, sometimes issues slip by, or unexpected hitches on the servers lead to players getting locked out.
With a situation like this, hopefully a fix can be found sooner rather than later, as it is frustrating as a player to lose progress and be locked out of a game with no explanation. Bungie Community Manager Dylan Gafner recently poked fun at the idea that Destiny 2 is a 'dead game,' as this is very much not the case, though right now angry fans may beg to differ. This post will be updated as the situation progresses.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
MORE: Destiny 2 Update Adds Cosmodrome Battleground and New Seasonal Challenges
Source: Down Detector