Monday, 22 February 2021 22:14

Destiny 2 February 23 Update Fixes Battlegrounds Bugs and Other Issues

Written by Nicholas Pace
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With the newest update to Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Bungie resolves a series of problems for various elements causing trouble for players.

After a short delay, Bungie has released a new update 2.12 patch for Destiny 2: Beyond Light. The patch, also known as hotfix, fixes a variety of different aspects currently affecting play in Destiny 2.

With an original release back in 2017, Destiny 2 has seen plenty of expansions, change-ups, and fixes. In late 2020, the Beyond Light revamped the player experience with additional subclasses and a different destination map. Now, Bungie continues the improvements for its multiplayer shooter by adding a series of fixes.

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First up are a host of adjustments for in-game activities. When it comes to this season's defining feature Battlegrounds, players will no longer get trapped inside the Land Tank and engrams will not spawn under the ground. Before this patch, the Fallen S.A.B.E.R Strike was not accessible, so that has been remedied. Plus bounties, pursuits, and challenges look to be getting a sizeable amount of fixes from this update. Apparently, players could earn multiple Hawkmoons, a glitch that could be problematic for the economy of Destiny 2. Bungie has also removed an issue that was preventing players from resetting Valor after Rank 4.

The patch notes keep going though, and there are even more updates for general gameplay. Eververse is getting a bunch of fixes, one of which makes sure that Bright Dust drops from core ritual activities like Gambit or Crucible. For Guardians trying to save Bright Dust, Bungie promises that any lost currency will be provided back in the future. Some items were not appearing in Collections or able to be redeemed, and that is now resolved. There are also some minor UI fixes that should lead to a more consistent experience in the game.

It is nice to see that Bungie is keeping up on Destiny 2's live service. From the update notes, the developers clearly have an eye on all facets of the game experience. Losing access to Engrams in Battlegrounds or Bright Dust in core activities can be fairly detrimental to the enjoyment of the game. Without problems like these, players should be able to get back in without much frustration.

Though, these fixes may not salvage some of the more significant parts of the shooter. The new Stasis subclasses are running amok and can be far more powerful than the base subclasses. This creates pressure to upgrade to the Beyond Light expansion, and this patch does really change this. While there have been some major changes to game mechanics like weekly bounties, this update does not substantially move the game forward. In any case, hotfix will be a welcome addition for Destiny 2 by those playing consistently.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: Bungie

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