Win-trading is a method where players in competitive games like Destiny 2 throw a match for each other to secure easy victories. Instead of earning the win as the game intended, players come to an arrangement before or during a match to kill themselves until both teams have secured a victory. Players use the method as an easy way to steal whatever in-game rewards come with winning, such as ranking up or prestigious items.
Destiny 2's Trials of Osiris has been the victim of win-trading for the past couple of weeks, but it has come to a head as this week. According to Trials Report, a Twitter account focused on analyzing and reporting data associated with Trials of Osiris, nearly 50 percent of all of the fireteams with flawless Trials runs have zero kills to their name. More than that, over 69 percent of them barely have five kills, which indicates the vast majority of players are win-trading.
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Learning this, Destiny 2 developer Bungie decided to once again disable Trials of Osiris. For at least the remainder of this week, players will not be able to participate in the end-game PvP activity. Bungie hasn't stated if Trials of Osiris will return next week, but it is looking to fix the issue in the meantime. That said, due to the complaints of players who did work hard to get their Flawless card, Bungie re-enabled the Lighthouse to collect rewards. Players can also visit Saint-14 to redeem any Trials tokens.
There's no telling how long Trials of Osiris will be disabled for. It could be only for the remainder of the weekend, or it could be for a few weeks; it depends on how Bungie decides to handle the problem. Blizzard bans Overwatch accounts associated with win-trading or cheating as its way of tackling the issue. Bungie could go that route with how they handle it, but it won't necessarily eliminate the problem, as the whole point of win-trading is to sacrifice accounts that don't mean anything.
While Trials' removal is disappointing for some, at the very least Bungie did it to address an issue that has been around for some time now. It's worth noting that while win-trading in Destiny 2 isn't as negatively impactful to the game as it is in Overwatch, it does still cheapen Trials of Osiris loot, even if it doesn't affect any kind of ranking system.
Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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