Patching bugs and fixing exploits is a big part of any game’s post-release period. However, developer Bungie is in no particular rush to fix one well-known, recent exploit in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 players recently discovered a way to circumvent the party limit in raid dungeons. Bungie finds the result of this exploit amusing, and as a result, it is low on the studio’s list of patches.
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Raids are usually limited to one 6-member fireteam. However, more than once, players discovered it’s possible to confuse the game’s matchmaking system. A previous Destiny 2 exploit allowed for 20-player fire teams. Recently, a glitch surfaced allowing multiple teams on a single raid. The exploit requires precise timing to pull off but is possible on all platforms. It enables large groups of lower-level players to overpower challenging raids and lets Destiny 2 veterans tear through bosses with ease.
Bungie mentioned the exploit in the March 4th installment of This Week at Bungie. The Destiny 2 team has been paying attention to the hype and is glad fans are having fun with the exploit. The team plans to fix it eventually, but does not see any real harm in players taking advantage of this particular bug. That said, Bungie warns that these activities were never meant for, as Bungie puts it, “a clown car of Guardians to roll up.” Players should be aware that using the exploit can cause the game to behave unexpectedly.
Still, players have some time before Bungie patches this exploit. The studio plans to fix it sometime before the Grandmaster Nightfall goes live on March 16th. However, fans are free to live it up for however long it takes for the patch to go live. Any player who wants to give the exploit a try should check out Game Rant’s quick guide to Destiny 2’s 12-player raid glitch.
This is not the first time the game’s matchmaking system acted up. Last July, Destiny 2 accidentally dumped 20 players into a strike mission. The game misidentified the strike “The Corruption” as the Tower hub area. Weirdly, the strike mission itself worked fine. The boss spawned later than it was supposed to, but everything else seemed to be working fine apart from that. Destiny 2 awarded the players as if everything was normal, grouping into an otherwise impossible 20-player fireteam.
Sadly, none of the 20 players recorded their adventure. Still, it might be enough to make some hope that 12 or 20 player activities someday officially become part of the game. Bungie hasn’t indicated any such plans, however. Still, it’s something some may hope for. In the meantime, Destiny 2 players have one or two more weeks to enjoy the incredible 12-player raid exploit.
Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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Source: Bungie