Friday, 12 March 2021 20:57

Destiny 2 Cancels Trials of Osiris Again | Game Rant

Written by Steven Marinelli
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Destiny 2: Beyond Light has been having issues with the games rejoin feature, with players exploiting the feature for win trading in Trials of Osiris.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light has been having issues with Trials of Osiris for the last few weeks. Players have been exploiting Destiny 2’s rejoin feature that allows Guardians to rejoin a match they may have been kicked from. In Trials of Osiris, being kicked out of a match can cause a loss on a Guardians Trials Card. The Trials of Osiris game mode has the focus of winning seven matches in a row without a loss in order to achieve a Flawless Card and gain access to the Lighthouse which harbors exclusive gear for Guardians.

Losing a match in Trials of Osiris can cripple the chances of Guardians going to the Lighthouse. The Passage of Mercy will forgive the first loss of a Trials Card, giving Guardians some mercy when attempting a Flawless run to the Lighthouse. Unfortunately, being kicked out of a Trials of Osiris match will use the Mercy granted from the Mercy Passage. Bungie has implemented a rejoin system to allow Guardians to rejoin a match that they may have been kicked out of and not use up their Mercy or occur a loss on their Trials Passage.

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A few weeks ago, Guardians across the globe had found a way to exploit the rejoin feature in Destiny 2, and use it as a tool for win trading in the Trials of Osiris. This win trading system breaks the integrity of Trials of Osiris and allows Guardians to obtain a Flawless Trials of Osiris Passage and gain access to the Lighthouse for the exclusive Flawless rewards. Many Guardians did not even need to fire a single bullet at an opposing Guardian due to the Hakke Emblem used to signal to other Guardians using the win trading system.

The win trading exploit in Trials of Osiris, eventually caused the game mode to be cancelled for two weeks in a row until a fix could be implemented. Bungie re-opened Trials of Osiris on March 12, 2021 after stating it had found a fix for it. By March 13, Bungie had disabled Trials of Osiris again due to an issue with the Fireteam Rejoin functionality and stated it would be disabled for the remainder of the weekend.

Senior Community Manager, dmg04 on Twitter, mentioned that at this time, Bungie is unable to disable the rejoin functionality specifically in Trials of Osiris, as doing so would cause the function to be disabled game-wide, causing a greater impact to players than just disabling Trials of Osiris for a few weekends.

It is unclear when Trials of Osiris will return to Destiny 2, however, dmg04 further stated that Bungie is working to make sure no Trials of Osiris gear is missed this season due to the delays. In the meantime Guardians can spend their weekend preparing for the anticipated return of Grandmaster Nightfalls returning Tuesday, March 16.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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