Wednesday, 24 March 2021 12:25

Destiny 2: How to Cheese the Grandmaster Arms Dealer Nightfall Strike

Written by Jared Carvalho
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Destiny 2 players discover a new cheese to help make beating the Arms Dealer Grandmaster Nightfall Strike quite a bit easier.

For some players, Destiny 2's Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes are one of the highest tests of skill and team synergy available within the game outside of the Raids. However, to many others, this has become more of an item on a weekly checklist in the pursuit to grinding up to maximum strength, that leads some Destiny players to cheat in order to make the process easier.

In the current week's Grandmaster Nightfall, some players have found a new way to cheese the Destiny 2 strike Arms Dealer in order to make the ending breeze by with little effort. It's possible to even solo what is ordinarily an elongated fight now, which makes it strange that this strike from so early in the game's lifespan is still having new cheeses discovered.

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This new cheese can be activated after arriving in the final boss fight against Bracus Zahn at the end of the strike and fighting him to the point that he runs away into a bubble high above the battlefield. While Zahn is normally completely protected from all damage while up on his little towers, it turns out that some of Destiny 2's grenades like the Solar Grenade can bleed through the bottom of the platform. The result is that players can keep Zahn in that one spot while slowly melting his health, which will then never call more enemies since the game is waiting for players to drop a fusion core to advance to the next section.

Fortunately for players looking for an easy end to this strike altogether, this cheese works on Arms Dealer at any of Destiny 2's strike difficulty levels. So, while at lower levels or with certain modifiers on, Bracus Zahn can be melted easily, this can skip some of the legwork for a strike boss that might have become monotonous for some players who have been playing since launch. Additionally, a rotating strike team can also make sure they always have the classes available to do each run of the Grandmaster Nightfall with little risk in the final stretch of the mission.

Considering that the Arms Dealer strike is one of the older activities of Destiny 2 content to survive vaulting, finding a cheese to not have to replay this repetitive mission for the thousandth time is no doubt appealing to many. Especially with this strike appearing as a Grandmaster, finding a way to skip at least through the boss fight is certainly enticing to veteran players to pick up some powerful loot. Still, relying on cheeses can kill the excitement of challenges like the Grandmaster Nightfalls, so players should utilize this new method at their own discretion.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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