Thursday, 25 March 2021 17:18

Destiny 2: Xur Exotic Armor, Weapon, and Recommendations for March 26

Written by Derek Nichols
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Here is the scoop on where to find Xur in Destiny 2, what exotic items he has for sale on March 26, and whether any are worth the shards.

A relatively big update this week for Destiny 2 players as the Proving Grounds strike mission finally arrived and seemingly provided an end to the main conflict between the Cabal forces under Empress Caiatl and Commander Zavala's Vanguard forces. While one conflict may have ended and an ally discovered, a new one may be on the horizon due to certain events that transpired at the end of this week's cutscene.

In addition to new content, this week also finally saw the hammer fall on the Stasis subclass across the board. While the first Darkness subclass has been a source of community debate since it launched inside of the Beyond Light expansion, Bungie has finally decided to retune the entire class, with most of the changes impacting the PvP side of the game. The Hunter's Withering Blade was effectively nerfed as well as the Titan's Glacial Quake attack. Warlock's actually received a few buffs to Winter's Wrath, though the class has already seen its fair share of nerfs over the past few months.

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While the war with the Cabal may again be at an end, the return of the exotic merchant Xur is inevitable. Follow this guide for his most current weekend location, news on his exotic cypher quest, as well as a review of what he's currently selling for the weekend of March 19, 2021 inside of Destiny 2.

This weekend, Xur is back inside his usual place in the Tower hangar.

As usual, fast travel to the main Tower location and head left into the Hangar. Once there, take another left and move past the Dead Orbit section to find a metal staircase. Move up the stairs to find Xur on a platform overlooking the mountain range off in the distance..

While Xur's role is essentially the same as it was prior to the Beyond Light expansion, the exotic merchant also has weekly quests that players can acquire to unlock an exotic cypher. Not only are these required to purchase a second fated engram, but they're necessary to acquire legacy exotic gear from the new kiosk. Players can earn a new cypher by completing strikes and winning crucible or gambit matches. Gain bonus points for playing with clanmates or finishing more challenging activities.

Other than that, here are Xur's three gear pieces this weekend:

Chromatic Fire - Warlock chest armor

The unique looking Warlock exotic has remained relatively untouched as of late, avoiding the sandbox changes Bungie made to many exotics are the start of the Season of the Worthy. For those who somehow don't have it yet, it's worth getting for situations where players are up against lots of enemies.

Its perk, Crystalline Transistor, causes an explosion, in the element of the player’s equipped subclass, after a kinetic precision kill. Having lots of enemies in a tight spot really maximizes the elemental damage. For PvP players, other guardians have mentioned that this armor is good when using particular weapons that cause explosions like Ace of Spades. One thing to keep in mind is that this item doesn't actually work with Stasis at all considering it's not an elemental weapon type as of yet, so for those that run the Shadebinder subclass, the Chromatic Fire is essentially useless.

Void Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +7
  • Resilience +11
  • Recovery +14
  • Discipline +2
  • Intellect +13
  • Strength +13

Lucky Raspberry - Hunter chest armor

A classic exotic item from the base version of Destiny 2, the Lucky Raspberry remains a somewhat underwhelming exotic. This item specifically targets arc-bolt users, so they can be safely ignored for everyone else.  Through the Probability Matrix perk, Arc Bolt grenades have increased chaining capabilities and also have a chance to recharge each time it deals damage. A full chain always recharges.

Naturally, this exotic offers zero value for players not using arc bolt grenades. Ultimately, there are better options available so this is another item players can pass on.

Arc Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +9
  • Resilience +11
  • Recovery +13
  • Discipline +13
  • Intellect +13
  • Strength +2

One-Eyed Mask - Titan helm

At one point, this was the go to exotic for all things PvP and Crucible related for Titans. In fact, it quickly became a scourge for Hunter and Warlock classes, so much so, that Bungie ultimately nerfed this popular item making it not quite as effective as it once was. Still, this class-neutral item is still valuable even if the roll this week isn't great.

The reason this item is a great Crucible item is due to its perk Vengeance. Any enemy that damages the wearer becomes highlighted and if the player can kill the marked player, they get an overshield.

Void Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +14
  • Resilience +8
  • Recovery +9
  • Discipline +13
  • Intellect +2
  • Strength +13

It's been nearly two years since since players last saw this auto rifle on sale from Xur. The minigun looking Sweet Business features the perk Payday which gives the gun a larger magazine and increased accuracy when firing from the hip. Its secondary perk, Business Time, boosts the range and rate of fire while the trigger is held. In addition, ammo pickups are automatically loaded into the gun.

It remains This is a gun that's solid but not spectacular. There are better exotic weapons out there, but under certain situations, Sweet Business can hold its own. Titans can improve it even further when using Actium War Rigs. Still, this gun isn't advised for PvP activities where hand cannons continue to rule the day, though Sweet Business can be a solid choice when clearing PvE enemies or dealing quick damage to bosses.

Additional perks:

  • Polygonal Rifling
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Composite Stock

Here's the complete rundown of Xur's entire stock in Destiny 2 for March 26, 2021:

  • Chromatic Fire (Warlock chest armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Lucky Raspberry (Hunter chest armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • One-Eyed Mask (Titan helmet) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Sweet Business (Auto Rifle) - 29 Legendary Shards
  • Exotic Engram - 97 Legendary Shards/1 Exotic Cypher
  • A Question - Exotic Cypher Quest

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is now available PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2's Deep Stone Crypt Raid Lore Explained

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