Thursday, 04 February 2021 18:53

Hyper Aggressive Mandalorian Kills Fortnite Players Before Matches Start

Written by Derek Nichols
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The Mandalorian goes a bit trigger happy against Fortnite players, aggressively downing them as they start to drop into a match from the battle bus.

Coming off a season featuring a huge Marvel crossover, Fortnite players likely had no idea where the popular battle royale game could go next. As it turns out, this current season likely surprised most fans as bounty hunter style characters from all forms of media started arriving into the game from The Predator, Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe, and Terminator, to platform exclusive characters like Master Chief and Kratos as well. However, one character in particular that has been in the game since the start of season 5 has seemingly gone rogue.

One of the biggest reveals for Season 5 of Fortnite was that Din Djarin from the hit Disney+ show The Mandalorian was joining the battle royale. Along with his sidekick Grogu aka Baby Yoda, players could opt to battle the bounty hunter to earn some powerful gear like his Ambien sniper rifle and jetpack. Throughout the current season, Djarin has moved around the map from his original starting location east of the Zero Point. However, his latest position is starting to be a problem for players.

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Over on the Fortnite subReddit, players have started posting details and short clips of Mando getting a little trigger happy at the start of matches. One player in particular is gunned down after jumping out of the battle bus, having no shot at even playing the game. What's wild about this is how far away the NPC actually is to the person dropping in, almost as if he was using an aimbot to eliminate the player. While it's common for players to attempt to pick off those in the air, to see an NPC easily gun down actual players is a little bit surprising.

While most found the clip amazing, hilarious, or relayed their own misfortune dealing with Mando, some commenters offered thoughts and opinions to make the drop a bit safer, especially when NPC enemies are roaming below. One in particular felt that players should be invulnerable when dropping while another said that there should be some sort of damage-falloff when targeting someone who is gliding. It's unknown if Epic Games plans to step in and adjust Mando, though it's also a bit unlikely that this is what the studio had in mind when adding him to Fortnite in Season 5.

When he's not causing chaos at the start of matches, Mando may have a new assignment coming up. A recent teaser from the official Fortnite account shows Din Djarin receiving a call regarding a new job from what looks to be another character called Fishstick. For now, Epic isn't saying anything, though if this new assignment is true, it appears players won't have to worry about being one shot out of the bus for too much longer.

Fortnite is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Fortnite: Where Are the New Exotic Weapons (Update 15.30)

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