Thursday, 25 February 2021 13:59

Fortnite: Where is Deadifre (Hop Rock Dualies Exotic Weapon Location)

Written by Aidan O' Brien
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Deadfire is one of many NPCs that can be found on the map in Fortnite and is of particular interest as he will sell players the Hop Rock Dualies.

Fortnite continues to mix things up in Chapter 2 Season 5 by moving around some of the Exotic weapons that are typically up for grabs. The Hop Rock Dualies, powerful twin handguns capable of rapidly eliminating the competition in the hands of any player who can control their recoil, were previously available from Cole. After a recent update, they now have a new home.

Players who are looking for the Hop Rock Dualies in Fortnite will now need to track down Deadfire instead. Deadfire can be found in the Sheriff's Office in the middle of the desert, to the southwest of Colossal Coliseum, and the northeast of the Zero Point. The location is not marked on the in-game map but is hard to miss as it is a lone building surrounded by an empty desert.

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Deadfire will sell the Hop Rock Dualies for 500 Gold Bars, but like all Exotics in the game, this will only give players a small amount of ammo to start with. These twin pistols take medium ammo, so players will need to find some more from ground loot, ammo boxes, or chests to make sure they have enough to win any gunfights. The Hop Rock Dualies will hit for 43 damage, meaning it is possible to two-shot other players and has a fire rate of 3.96. With a magazine size of 18, reloading during a firefight is not a huge issue, although the rate of fire is somewhat slow.

Deadfire will also have a range of bounties available, offering two quests worth 120 Gold Bars each and one Elimination Bounty worth 200 Gold Bars. The Elimination Bounty will send players after a specific opponent, marking their location on the map with a wide yellow circle and challenging them to take out the target before other players can.

While players are in the desert, it is a good idea to finish up any challenges in the area from this season, such as destroying crystal trees, some of which can be found outside of the Sheriff's Office where Deadfire spends his time. This will earn players valuable XP toward their Battle Pass, which will be a growing concern for anyone who has yet to get all their rewards, as the season is drawing to a close.

There are also plenty of XP coins to grab in the desert, offering a further boost of XP and helping players to unlock the secret Sapphire, Topaz, and Zero Point skins that are up for grabs until the end of the season. Fortnite always has these secret skins that will become some of the rarest in the game, as many players will fail to unlock them before time runs out.

Fortnite is free-to-play for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Fortnite: Throw Fruit at Hunter's Haven

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