Monday, 15 March 2021 16:54

Fortnite Adds Raven Teen Titans Skin | Game Rant

Written by Anthony Puleo
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Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 is finally here, and with it comes a battle pass full of new content and skins, including one of the Teen Titans, Raven.

Throughout the long and storied history of Fortnite, players have been able to collect a wide variety of skins that allow them to play as different characters. Between collaborations with comic books introducing characters like Aquaman and even one with Star Wars adding a skin for the Mandalorian, there's a huge variety of options. Now another comic book character is making her way into the battle royale, this one also from DC. With Chapter 2 Season 6's new battle pass, players will be able to unlock a skin that allows them to play as Raven from Teen Titans.

With each new season of Fortnite, players get a new battle pass. Naturally, the rewards contained within aren't given away right at the start, as players must instead work towards earning them all by completing challenges and playing the game. Getting Raven won't be easy, however, as the first variant of her skin isn't obtainable until reaching rank 77 of the battle pass.

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Players that manage to keep up with Fortnite's weekly challenges and get all the way to rank 77 before the end of the season will gain access to the Raven skin. Going further beyond this will offer more rewards, though, including another Raven skin that sees her don a mask underneath her hood. This creates the classic effect of half of her face being covered by the shadow of her hood, something that is often shown in her portrayal from comic books and TV shows. This second Raven skin is earned from the battle pass by players that manage to reach rank 85. Finally, a third skin is also obtainable by completing Epic Quests.

Alongside Raven, players will also have the chance to earn a skin representing Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider franchise. There's also skins for Agent Jonesy, new Fortnite original characters Tarana, Raz, and Cluck. At rank 100, players will be able to use the Spire Assassin skin, a unique looking choice that will likely tie directly into the game's overarching story. Finally, as a secret skin, Neymar Jr. is making his Fortnite debut, but it seems he may be transformed into some kind of wolf creature. More on that will probably be revealed soon.

Notably, Raven is listed as part of the Teen Titans Set, meaning players will be able to find other Teen Titans things within the game as well. Since the newest season of Fortnite is available now, curious players can jump right in and start digging around in everything new it has to offer.

Fortnite is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Rumor: Fortnite Season 6 Could Be Adding Black Drum Shotgun

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