Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:56

Fortnite Zero Crisis Finale Leaving Game Next Week | Game Rant

Written by Michael Beckwith
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Anyone who hasn't experienced Fortnite's single-player Zero Crisis event will need to do so soon as it is being removed from the game within the week.

Season finales in Fortnite have always been huge affairs, but Epic Games really shook things up recently with transitioning from Season 5 to Season 6. For the first time in the battle royale's history, Fortnite received a unique single-player experience called Zero Crisis. Zero Crisis players team up with Jonesy and a new character called The Foundation, as well as gain a bit more insight into the game's lore and see how it leads into the wilderness-themed Season 6, officially dubbed Primal.

Epic has it set up so whenever players log in to Fortnite, they must play through the Zero Crisis event before starting Season 6 proper. However, it was unlikely that it would remain a permanent fixture and with Season 6 very much in full swing now, it sounds like Epic is gearing up to remove it.

RELATED: Fortnite Gets Epic Zero Crisis Cinematic With Kratos, Xenomorphs, and More

According to GameSpot, the event will leave Fortnite sometime next week. An exact date and time hasn't been given, but it's suspected it will happen when the weekly challenges reset. And while, so far, the challenges have been resetting on Tuesdays, Epic has stated that things will go back to normal and the challenges will return to resetting on Thursdays. This means players will have until either Wednesday, March 31 or Thursday, April 1 to check out Zero Crisis.

This isn't going to be a problem with most players since they have no doubt already played through it, but in case there's anyone who only plays Fortnite occasionally or has been thinking of getting into it, now is a good time to do so, since it's unlikely that the event will ever be added back in in the future. On the plus side, anyone who isn't particularly bothered about playing it themselves can easily watch it in its entirety on YouTube. It isn't especially long, only lasting roughly 15 minutes, and begins with a special cinematic directed by the Russo Brothers.

While the cinematic shows off several of the crossover characters included in Season 5, like the Predator and the Xenomorph, delighting fans everywhere, some are more interested in the newly introduced Foundation. Mostly because there's a theory that he's voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Others are trying to speculate what crossovers will be added in Season 6. Currently, Lara Croft from Tomb Raider and Teen Titans member Raven are included, and a recent survey that lists numerous musicians, clothing brands, game characters, and more may give some ideas as to what's to come in the future.

Fortnite is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Fortnite Season 6 Primal Weapon Tier List

Source: GameSpot

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