Friday, 09 April 2021 07:31

Hearthstone: How to Play Classic Combo Druid | Game Rant

Written by Daniel Chan
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Hearthstone players can try the original version of Combo Druid which remains one of the most consistent and lethal decks in the game's history.

Hearthstone's newest Classic format means that everyone can play with cards reverted back to their 2014 forms. While many iconic decks have reemerged, many players are well prepared to deal with tricks from the past such as Handlock. However, one deck that remains just as consistent and powerful despite player knowledge is the classic Combo Druid.

Since the early days of Hearthstone, Druid was the only class that could generate extra mana crystals, which could be used to summon powerful creatures several turns quicker than the enemy. Combo Druid mixes this rapid growth with its namesake finisher to defeat opponents before they scale. As one of the most feared decks despite several years of expansions, Combo Druid's key cards were eventually nerfed, but the return to classic means it is once again top tier.

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  • Innervate x2
  • Wild Growth x2
  • Wrath x2
  • Savage Roar x2
  • Bloodmage Thalnos x1
  • Harvest Golem x2
  • Swipe x2
  • Chillwind Yeti x2
  • Keeper of the Grove x2
  • Sen'jin Shieldmasta
  • Violet Teacher x2
  • Azure Drake x2
  • Druid of the Claw x2
  • Force of Nature x2
  • Sylvanas Windrunner x1
  • Cairne Bloodhoof x1
  • Ancient of Lore x2

While Druid spells should be enough to deal with any aggro decks, consider replacing some 4-5 cost cards with taunt minions or additional removal in case that isn't enough. Similarly, substitute Sylvanas with the Black Knight if running into enemy taunt minions during the mid and late-game.

Combo Druid players want to mulligan in search of Innervate, Wild Growth, and Chillwind Yeti. Using Wild Growth on curve means the player will be 1 or even 2 mana ahead if they went first. Alternatively, using Innervate to play Chillwind Yeti on turn 2 is a move very few Hearthstone classes have the tools to deal with immediately. At the very least, its 4/5 body will eat several minions and removal by the time it dies.

With Combo Druid's insane ramping, players should be able to take over the board by turn 4. Keeper of the Grove (KotG) and Druid of the Claw (DotC) are two minions that help with removal via their choose one options such as damage/silence for KotG and taunt/charge for the DotC. Aim to play Azure Drake and Ancient of Lore as soon as possible for their card draw effects.

After establishing a board by midgame, players need the spells Savage Roar and Force of Nature to close out the match. Force of Nature summons three 2/2 minions with charge for one turn while Savage Roar gives the player and allied minions +2 attack for one turn. Combo Druid will always deal 14 damage with these two cards but having existing minions or those spawned via deathrattle like Cairne Bloodhoof means players can reach the lethal threshold long before late game.

Hearthstone is available on PC and mobile devices.

MORE: Hearthstone: How to Play Classic Miracle Rogue

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