Friday, 09 April 2021 13:44

Destiny 2: How the Seasonal Challenges Could Improve for Season 14

Written by Malachi Lyonsdove
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Season of the Chosen has three challenges with incredible difficulty that could be changed or removed next season for the betterment of the game.

Destiny 2 added a major quality of life update when season 13, Season of the Chosen, started. With the start of the new season, weekly challenges were added for season pass holders to complete. These challenges were largely passive tasks and many of them can be done if Guardians just play through the many playlists and locations in Destiny 2. However, there are some challenges that stand out from the rest due to their difficulty, reliance on other players, or both.

Three challenges in particular can be incredibly difficult for Guardians to complete: The Cadre of Contenders, Conquest of the Mighty, and Trial by Firing Squad challenges. All three of these challenges put casual players who might have bought the season pass in a position where they have to grind. The completion of these challenges is necessary in order to complete all Season of the Chosen challenges and get that large bright dust pile reward at the end. Along with their difficulty, these challenges they may also negatively impact some playlists as Guardians look for easier ways to complete them.

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Cadre of Contenders requires that players complete about eight matches in the Crucible’s ranked Survival mode. While this PVP game mode makes up Destiny 2’s main competitive playlist, it is also often used as a way for Guardians to train for the Trials of Osiris game mode. The best PVP weapon in Destiny 2 can often also be different than the best weapons players enjoy in PVE. As a result, players who may be more interested in Destiny 2’s PVE activities will have to queue up into ranked PVP matches where they might not even want to be. This can force casual players into a highly competitive environment just to complete a seasonal challenge.

The upside of Cadre of Contenders is that, unlike some other challenges that players will face, this challenge does not require players to win or kill a certain number of Guardians in the Survival game mode. This could be pointed to as a reason for the challenge’s appearance this season, but it also can negatively affect the quality of Survival. While there is a solo queue option for Survival, the premise of players being required to play a ranked PVP game mode to complete Destiny 2's seasonal challenges could degrade the quality of the mode.

The Trials by Firing Squad challenge presents a terribly similar problem as Cadre of Contenders. For Trials by Firing Squad, players must win seven rounds in the highly competitive PVP game mode Trials of Osiris. The focus of this challenge around Trials of Osiris makes it only available for completion on the weekends as well as pushes PVE oriented Guardians into another competitive PVP space. While the game mode itself exists rather separately from the rest of Destiny 2’s Crucible playlist, it is a requirement to play Eliminations matches before plying the Trials of Osiris playlist. This stems from how players gain access to the Trials of Osiris game mode through the Trials Access quest. This mode can be unforgiving and is home to some of the best weapons in  Destiny 2.

For veteran players, the quest may be easy, and its steps already completed but other players could have a tough time. In all, Guardians will have to be at least power level 1260, reach Crucible rank Legend by earning Valor in Crucible matches, and get 50 kills in the Elimination game mode. For players that have not been focused on PVP, this can require a serious amount of grinding as well as disrupting much of the parts of Destiny 2 that might be more enjoyable. Those steps are just to gain access to the Trials of Osiris as to complete the Trials by Firing Squad challenge itself players will still need to build an independent fireteam, as Trials of Osiris does not have matchmaking, and win seven rounds in the game mode.

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The Conquest of the Mighty challenge shifts to a PVE oriented activity but still holds a rather high difficulty level even for hardcore players. With the requirement of completing a Grandmaster Nightfall, it will demand the most out of Guardians as well as the ownership of the highest-level gear possible. Grandmaster Nightfall strikes are notorious for their difficulty and have a minimum power level of 1325 as an entry requirement. This challenge also generates a similar problem as Trials by Firing Squad, the need for a premade fireteam.

Grandmaster Nightfall strikes do not have matchmaking, and while doable solo, they are incredibly difficult. This will more than likely require players to have found teammates already, all of whom will still have to meet the minimum power level requirement of 1325. While teammates can be found through Looking for Group pages, some Guardians may not want to have to team up with random players. Even so, the minimum power level also creates its own hurdle, especially for casual players that don’t spend hours a day trying to roll higher level gear for upgrades.

Season 14 should look at the challenges above and their obstacles and work around them. While the point of challenges is to reward players that are able to complete specific tasks and it's not bad that they require a level of difficulty, they should not feel eclipsing. Many players are going to have problems with all three of these challenges and they all carry different obstacles for their difficulty. It is not a bad thing to push players to try challenging activities and reward them for it, but when those activities look like monumental tasks, they might not be fit as seasonal challenges. With the recent vaulted content and storylines, FOMO for some players can be very present, and it is only worsened when challenges have difficulty spikes like these.

Season challenges can be a great way to encourage casual players to return and try to complete endgame content to the best of their ability. Instead, these three challenges feel more like chores. It would be nice to see challenges in the future that encourage Guardians to participate in thought out and team-based play. For PVP instead of rounds won in Trials of Osiris, Guardians could defend 50 zones in Control. Players that enjoy the casual strike playlist could be rewarded for completing 100 strikes or 50 Nightfall strikes at any difficulty instead of grinding out a Grandmaster Nightfall. Seasonal challenges have been a great addition even with all the future content planned for Destiny 2, but could still benefit from finding a better middle ground for casual and hardcore players.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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