Saturday, 10 April 2021 21:00

Dragon Ball: The 10 Strongest Members of The Frieza Force, Ranked According To Strength

Written by Ben Jessey
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The Frieza Force featured many powerful enemies for the heroes of Earth to stand up against in Dragon Ball Z but some stand out above the rest.

While Dragon Ball is usually about warriors squaring off in one-on-one battles, the series still includes several groups. One of the most formidable was the Frieza Force. The army of unsavory individuals caused atrocities all over the galaxy while under the orders of the faction's namesake. To accomplish their universe-wide goals, they needed a lot of members.

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Some of which never appeared in the anime or manga. However, the ones that did tend to be fairly powerful individuals. After all, the Frieza Force complete their objectives through intimidation and murder, so no weaklings should be allowed. But which were the absolute strongest of the bunch? It's important to note that this is based on their strength while they were a part of the group, so Vegeta's Super Saiyan antics aren't considered.

10 Jeice

The Ginyu Force are among the greatest villains of the series. Not only are they're entertaining, but they're very capable too. Unfortunately for high-ranking member Jeice, he didn't get to show his strength too often. After all, once he got involved in the action, he was facing a powered-up Goku and Vegeta.

But he was known to be around the same level as Burter and Recoome. And he would've been a more serious threat if it wasn't for the Saiyans' unreal ability to get stronger.

9 Burter

At one time, Burter was known to be the fastest being in the universe. As he and his allies were the ones making that case, its legitimacy can be questioned. Yet, there's no denying that he was lightning quick. Although, like Jeice, he didn't get much chance to prove it.

Instead, he had to go against an insanely strong Goku, who was too much for Burter. Put him against virtually anyone else at that time, and he would've been victorious.

8 Recoome

Recoome participated in one of the most exciting battles on Namek as he faced off against Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta. It truly showcased the might of this red-headed Ginyu Force member. He demolished the Z Warriors with relative ease, using some interesting attacks and stylish poses in the process.

Fortunes changed for the big man, though, once Goku arrived. The Saiyan's newfound strength put Recoome in his place. Still, few would want to challenge this surprisingly graceful warrior.

7 Kado

Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! is an often forgotten OVA that introduced some new characters to the series. One of them being Kado, who was a long-term member of the Frieza force.

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It's revealed during the special that his power level was similar to first form Frieza (before his training in Super). He turned up on Earth many years after his boss's demise, though. And by that time, several of the Z Warriors had heavily increased in strength.

6 Abo

Kado didn't come to Earth alone. He was joined by his brother Abo. Like his sibling, Abo was a strong fighter who faced off against Goku and friends at the wrong time. Thus, he didn't pose much threat throughout the OVA.

But when compared to the rest of Frieza's army, he's still one of the top warriors. This is especially true when he fuses with his brother to become the more powerful, Aka.

5 Shisami

Shisami was a formidable part of the new Frieza force that invaded Earth. For a while, he was even considered the army's most powerful member - excluding Frieza. This was proven to be false, but he still caused a few problems for the Z Warriors.

Even the strongest Namekian, Piccolo, was unsure of facing the physical specimen alone. A rusty Gohan attempted it anyway and struggled to take Shisami down. The red guy was then slaughtered by his own teammate.

4 Tagoma

After Frieza was resurrected, he needed to train to become mighty enough to defeat Goku. Of course, he couldn't do that alone, so he forced Tagoma to be his sparring partner.

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For the next few months, the underling got brutalized by the evil villain. However, this toughened Tagoma up, and he quickly became Frieza's strongest soldier. Later on Earth, he killed Shisami, dominated Piccolo, and severely injured Gohan. That's an impressive set of accomplishments.

3 Captain Ginyu

Back on Namek, Captain Ginyu was clearly the best weapon Frieza had at his disposal. Not only was the Ginyu force leader very loyal to the Emporer, but he was also incredibly powerful (for the time). He even held his own against the likes of Goku and Vegeta.

His greatest technique, though, was his body-swapping ability. As the name suggests, it allowed him to take over other people's bodies. And he used the move on Tagoma when the new Frieza Force invaded Earth. He was even more dangerous in the new body than its original owner was.

2 King Cold

It's difficult to pinpoint King Cold's exact power level as the man didn't fight a lot. Instead, he mostly stood around and looked menacing. But during his time in the anime, he seems to be just slightly weaker than final form Frieza (pre-resurrection).

This makes him a very capable fighter who's just under the level of a Super Saiyan. Unfortunately for him, a Super Saiyan is the exact being he had to face in Dragon Ball Z, which led to his demise.

1 Frieza

There's no doubt that Frieza is the mightiest member of his own army. Back in his Namek days, he was able to dominate The Z Warriors. Even Super Saiyan Goku took a long time to stop him - it was actually part of Dragon Ball's longest ever fight.

Yet, he reached a whole new level in Dragon Ball Super after actually training for once. With his newfound ability to become Golden Frieza, he impressively could hold his own against Goku and Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue forms.

NEXT: Dragon Ball: 10 Fights The Main Cast Only Won Because Of Super Saiyan

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