Ubisoft might be a company that doesn't exactly have the most stellar reputation right now, but there's no denying the fact that some of their franchises deserve all the hype that they get. One such series that is going to release its sixth installment soon enough is Far Cry, with the latest game in the series being considered by many to be one of the greatest Ubisoft titles of all time.
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Far Cry 5 might not be the most imaginative video game around, but one can't deny that the title perfectly showcases all of Ubisoft's design philosophies at their most polished. The exploration serves as one such highlight that will keep fans gaping at all these scenic vistas for days on end, with the following ten locations being particularly notable for making most gamers' jaws drop upon noticing the beauty of these locales.
10 Dutch's Island
The first area that players have to liberate in Far Cry 5 serves as an elaborate tutorial that familiarizes players with the mechanics of the game.
Of course, it also serves as a great look into what Far Cry 5 has to offer from a visual perspective — detailed terrain, expansive water bodies, and vegetation as far as the eye can see.
9 Holland Valley
After Dutch's Island is liberated by the player, they can finally choose to venture into any territory that strikes their fancy. That being said, most players recommend first-timers to start out by clearing Holland Valley first. Not only is it arguably the most beginner-friendly area in the game... but it also gives off a rather strong impression to boot.
The area is full to the brim with intriguing prepper stashes that convey some brilliant stories of their own, and the valley itself is full to the brim with stunning vistas and the like that will keep the player entertained for quite some time indeed.
8 Whitetail Mountains
However, if the player gets tired of looking at the same open-ended nature of Holland Valley's terrain over and over again, then they can always choose to head over to the Whitetail Mountains instead.
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The change of scenery is always appreciated, with the area sporting more complex and mountainous terrain that is quite a treat to explore in its own right. It certainly helps that the story of Eli and the Whitetail Militia is great as well, keeping players hooked until they finally manage to liberate this area.
7 Henbane River
Of course, if the classic Far Cry trippiness is something that intrigues the player to no end, then they can always choose to explore the Henbane River and deal with Faith Seed's hallucinogens instead.
While some people may argue that Bliss is overused in this area over and over again, there's no denying the fact that the Henbane River region is easily one of the most scenic areas in the game, giving players ample time to explore the region at their heart's content.
6 Fall's End
Fall's End is a town that most players consider to be the best and most welcoming settlement in Far Cry 5, allowing for players to enjoy a much-needed moment of respite as they roam around a friendly settlement... well, barring a few instances, that is.
Roaming around this area and talking to the NPCs that lie within makes for a surprisingly calming experience... before players go back to the chaos of Far Cry 5, that is.
5 O'Hara's Haunted House
People who loved hunting down the prepper stashes present in Far Cry 5 would've definitely been caught off-guard when they happened upon this seemingly innocuous-looking house.
However, first impressions can be quite deceptive — O'Hara's haunted house might seem like a run-of-the-mill building, but the horrors that lie within make for an experience that is as memorable as it is terrifying.
4 The Angel’s Grave
While Angel's Grave might not be nearly as horrifying as the haunted house discussed above, there's certainly something harrowing about having to avoid pools of toxic water to reach a particularly hard-to-find prepper stash.
It certainly doesn't help — or maybe it does, depending on one's viewpoint — that the cavern where this stash is located looks eerily beautiful as well.
3 8-Bit Pizza Parlor
The first time that players happened upon the 8-bit Pizza Parlor would've definitely been quite an entertaining and unforgettable moment... but the decor and ambiance of the place have nothing to do with this.
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Rather, it's the fact that this pizza parlor houses all the companions in the game that the player has dismissed over the course of their adventures. Discovering all these lovable and colorful characters in one place is definitely a treat in every sense of the word.
2 Prosperity
A ghost town that has become a testing ground of sorts for a mad scientist, happening upon the town of Prosperity for the first time is a unique experience... that is quickly interrupted by the wild antics of Tweak.
That being said, there's no denying the fact that roaming around the deserted town of Prosperity is still quite entertaining in its own right and makes for one of the better moments in the game.
1 St. Francis Veterans Center
While it might be impossible to roam around the St. Francis Veterans Center, the events that unfold before the player faints and wakes up somewhere else make this area all the more alluring and mysterious.
Upon nearing this area, the song "Only You" will start playing, before the player ends up losing consciousness and teleporting somewhere else. It's recommended to not enter this area with a vehicle since the player will lose their vehicle during this transition as well.