Saturday, 10 April 2021 23:53

Cyberpunk 2077 Player Decapitates NPC at Inopportune Time

Written by Anthony Puleo
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Under most circumstances, Cyberpunk 2077 lets players decide how and when they want to kill someone, but this player messed up in a hilarious way.

Cyberpunk 2077 gives players a ton of options when roleplaying. They can choose to portray V as a silent and deadly killer or give them a heart of gold, but sometimes this goes a little too far. During one mission, players are tasked with neutralizing someone named Gustavo, but they aren't given much instruction on how the job is to be done. Like most things in the game, it's up to the player how they want to kill Gustavo, so Redditor thealmightychunko opted to bash his head in, turning it into bloody bits. They could never have predicted that the next line of dialogue would be someone asking them to bring Gustavo's head.

In a way, this could still be considered a decapitation, as the head was removed from the body. Just because there's nothing left of the head doesn't mean that this Cyberpunk 2077 player didn't decapitate Gustavo. Unfortunately, they weren't told ahead of time that the goal was to bring back Gustavo's head, as if they were they might have been a bit more careful to preserve it.

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The comments of this post all find the situation very funny, with many making jokes about how thealmightychunko "failed the mission successfully." Some even comment that it would be cool if the mission actually was failed as a result of this, bringing up bounties in Fallout New Vegas that would reward the player less if they maimed the targets in any way as a game that did something similar.

There are actually multiple endings to this mission, and it is possible for those that play their cards right to get Gustavo out alive. In this scenario, V still tells the quest giver that he is dead, so one can assume that something similar happened here. Regardless, it's unlikely that there will be anything left worth bringing back, so hopefully V's contact will be able to take their word for it.

Funny moments like this abound in Cyberpunk 2077, sometimes they are due to odd coincidences like this and other times due to strange bugs. Thankfully, Cyberpunk 2077 has patched many of the bugs and issues that plagued it since launch back in November, but the game is still struggling for many players (especially those on last generation consoles). With more updates steadily coming in, players are constantly left to wonder whether or not it's worth coming back to Cyberpunk 2077 just yet or if they should wait for a little longer instead.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Can CD Projekt Red Bounce Back From the Cyberpunk 2077 Controversy?

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