Monday, 12 April 2021 17:15

Hogwarts Legacy Spells We Want to See | Game Rant

Written by Megan Gingerich
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Hogwarts Legacy will likely incorporate both old and new spells, but there are a few spells from the original series we want to see again.

There are dozens of iconic spells in the Harry Potter universe that could be brought to life again in Hogwarts Legacy. Some spells are very specific, such as Ridikulus, which repels Boggarts, while some are used nearly every day to accomplish a variety of objectives. Some of the most common spells like Lumos and Expelliarmus are all but certain to be featured in Hogwarts Legacy, but there are a few slightly less common and more specialized spells that should be included as well.

Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the 1800s and will allow players to take on the role of their own Hogwarts student. They must choose between light and dark magic to determine the fate of the wizarding world and make their own mark on history. The player character has the unique and powerful ability to master Ancient Magic, so it's likely there will be a lot of new spells to learn. It's important, however, to strike a balance between the familiar and unfamiliar and that's where these older spells come in.

Stupefy is one of the most essential spells in a wizard's combat toolbox. Because the player will be asked to choose between light and dark in many cases, Stupefy could be contrasted with something like the unforgivable killing curse, Avada Kedavra. Stupefy is one of the best ways to take out an opponent without killing them or causing extreme damage.

In the Harry Potter series, Stupefy is often used within classroom settings, so it's unlikely that anyone would be permanently hurt by this spell. It'll be important for wizards seeking to live within the light to have a spell in their arsenal that can knock out enemies without taking their lives, and Stupefy is the perfect spell for the job.

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Episkey is a healing spell used by Luna Lovegood to fix Harry's broken nose in The Half-Blood Prince. In Hogwarts Legacy, the player is certain to face many terrifying creatures in battle and will want to be prepared with an in-battle healing system. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Episkey spell, as there are many other healing spells in the wizarding world, but Episkey is a great quick fix that can remedy minor injuries on the spot.

This is more of a utility spell than a fun one, but having a couple of healing options that can be used quickly when things get rough is definitely a needed feature. Of course, other methods, such as potions kept on hand, would serve a similar purpose. Having a designated healing spell just sounds more fun.

Piertotum Locomotor is used in both Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and in the Deathly Hallows book by Professor McGonagall. It is one of many memorable moments of the Battle of Hogwarts. Professor  McGonagall uses the spell to make the stone soldier statues around Hogwarts come alive to man the boundaries and protect the school against Voldemort's invasion.

In the film, the score and the dramatic statues coming alive make for a truly epic moment, after which Professor McGonagall admits to Molly Weasley that she'd always wanted to use that spell. While it might not be the most important or useful spell in the Harry Potter universe, many fans surely share McGonagall's sentiments and would love an opportunity to use the spell for themselves.

Legilimens is the spell associated with the practice of Legilimency, which is essentially mind-reading. The opposite of Legilimency is Occlumency or the act of closing off one's mind to Legilimens. Occlumency is featured in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, where Professor Snape attempts to help Harry close off his mind to Lord Voldemort's intrusion. In the Fantastic Beasts films, Queenie Goldstein is a gifted Legilimens who, though usually not malicious, can sift through layers of a person's mind with ease.

If Hogwarts Legacy allows players to create specialized character builds, a Legilimens would be a fascinating one to include. A wizard who isn't as skilled in combat could use Legilimency to gain the upper hand on their opponent by anticipating their moves or discovering weaknesses. While it is a controversial skill set, Hogwarts Legacy should still include it and let the player wrestle with the moral implications on their own.

Expecto Patronum is one of the most iconic spells in all of the Harry Potter series, bearing significance in many different ways throughout the story. The Patronus Charm is used to drive away Dementors by conjuring up a happy memory, but it is also the only defensive spell that is effective against Lethifolds, a mysterious magical beast that similar to Dementors. Lethifolds haven't been seen yet in any of the Harry Potter books or films, but they could be encountered in Hogwarts Legacy.

The Patronus Charm is also important because of how unique it is to every wizard. Powerful Patronus Charms take on the form of the wizard's spirit guardian, a concept similar to a spirit animal. Hogwarts Legacy players will want to know what form their Patronus takes, so even if there aren't many opportunities to use it during battle, it's an essential part of character customization that will be sorely missed if it isn't included.

Hogwarts Legacy will release for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy Needs to Avoid One Event from the Lore

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