Even though Fallout 76 is hitting its three-year mark, the game continues to see a healthy stream of new content. Recently, Bethesda Games Studios stated on Twitter that Season 4 DLC is now being released, with a schedule for all the additions.
The next updates in Fallout 76 include a new story involving Armor Ace in Cold Steel, store discounts, C.A.M.P. Features, and multiple double XP weekends. Additionally, there will be many returning features such as consumables, in-game currencies, Atoms, and Perk Card Paks, among other things. Season 4 starts on April 27, and ends on August 2.
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There is plenty to get excited about with these changes, as well as multiple ways for gamers to level up their characters and earn Rank Up rewards. For Fallout 76 fans who want to plan ahead for the festivities, Bethesda has offered a community roadmap for everything that is happening.
On April 27, players will be able to team up with Armor Ace and the Power Patrol to take on Commissioner Chaos and his goon squad of robots. There will be a new scoreboard available to keep track of players' progress as they fight against each robot along with S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts, C.A.M.P. Slots, and a Daily Ops Expansion. Then, on April 29, the Gold Rush Weekend begins. May 6 is the Hunt for the Treasure Weekend, May 13 is the start of Double S.C.O.R.E weekend, and finally May 27 is another Gold Rush weekend.
Later in June is when the "Around Appalachia: Summer Heat" event begins, introducing a new C.A.M.P. Creation called Moleminers. There will then be a Double S.C.O.R.E. Weekend on June 3, followed by a Scrip Surplus Weekend on June 10, a 25 percent discount in the Purveyor store for the weekend of June 17, and lastly another Double S.C.O.R.E. Weekend at the end of the month on June 24.
Toward the end of the event in July, there will be a Steel Reign Update featuring K.D. Inkwell introducing more Legendary Crafting, Power Armor, and a new C.A.M.P. Feature into the game. Between June 26 to July 5, there will be a Bonus Challenge week with constant Double Dailies. Next, there will be a Mystery Pick Purveyor Sale on the weekend of July 8. After that, another Hunt for the Treasure Hunter weekend event will take place on July 15 and a Double Score weekend on July 22. To end it all with a bang, another Gold Rush weekend will take place from July 29 to August 2.
Fallout 76 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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