Square Enix sold Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance with a Pokemon-like "Gotta Catch 'em All" mentality surrounding the new Dream Eater and Nightmare monster types. While there are dozens of adorable little creatures to collect, showing off the Tyranto Rex in early trailers became enticing to players by adding a new over the top enemy design to Kingdom Hearts.
To add to what makes the Tyranto Rex stand out so much is that, while players will initially run into the Nightmare version as an enemy, the nature of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance's mechanics meant that the enemy could become a Dream Eater. Of the many monsters available to be added to either Riku or Sora's team, the prospect of adding a giant colorful T-Rex to the party could be one of the most exciting for players to try and find.
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This isn't to say that other Dream Eaters don't stand out on their own, like the Lord Kyroo and Aura Lion who also make for strong additions to any party. However, it's hard for many of the other enemies or party members to compete with having a giant dinosaur following the player around and wiping out waves of Nightmare's with tail swipes and giant chomps. Square Enix really knew what it was doing by giving a slight glimpse of the Tyranto Rex in the marketing for the game to entice players to see exactly how incredible the Dream Eater parties Sora and Riku had available in Dream Drop Distance could be.

One of the key components of Dream Drop Distance's design philosophy centers around a colorful array of characters that have a dreamlike quality to them that separates Dream Eaters from Kingdom Hearts' darker Heartless enemies. So, extending this onto the Tyranto Rex, makes for a vibrantly colored T-Rex, which isn't exactly the normal way that dinosaurs are designed in most other forms of media. However, it works perfectly in both the context of Dream Drop Distance's Sleeping Worlds, as well as the overall Disney flair given to many of the games in the series.
Even with the friendly Tyranto Rex appearing with bright reds and yellows, giving it a much friendlier vibe, there is still the Nightmare version that is able to keep the more sinister feel of its inspiration with deep purples and blues. Then there's the Rare form that can attack the player on occasion, with its pale color pallet that makes it stand out against the other two and signifies that this is something to be careful against. Any of these forms in Dream Drop Distance would be incredible to see come to future Kingdom Hearts titles, but having all three in the enemy's introduction makes this game stand out as more than a spin-off.
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In order to balance the player's teams in Dream Drop Distance, and ensure that both Riku and Sora felt different, each playable character actually gets different creatures to add to their party. So, when it comes to the Tyranto Rex, Riku doesn't get the flesh and blood dinosaur that Sora is able to have following behind him. Instead, Square Enix decided to bump this game up a couple notches on the Kingdom Hearts tier list by giving Riku the Skelterwild, a skeletal T-Rex with a giant spiked ball on his tail that can be swung around for incredible damage.
Having the two versions of the T-Rex almost gives a Digimon vibe, harkening back to the Greymon and SkullGreymon from the original series. So, Square Enix may have been taking note from more than just Pokemon when designing the Dream Eaters that would inhabit Dream Drop Distance. Overall, both the Skelterwild and Tyranto Rex are a rare enemy type for Kingdom Hearts, but a welcome addition to a game that might have otherwise been ignored as a mobile spin-off.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is available now for Nintendo 3DS.
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