Sunday, 18 April 2021 19:00

Avatar: 10 Iroh Quotes That Prove He Is The Best Character On The Show

Written by Noel McDavid
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These quotes of wisdom from dropped by Iroh show why he's a favorite character among fans of Avatar.

In Avatar: The Last Airbender, many of the mainline characters are young and are still learning about life. In the midst of their darkest moments, these characters can often rely on Uncle Iroh for advice and comfort. It's safe to say that Uncle Iroh is definitely the pool of wisdom for everyone in the show. While he can definitely be funny at times, overall, Iroh's knowledge is abundant.

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While he plays an important role on the show, fans really benefit from his quotes as well. His character in Avatar: The Last Airbender helps prove that children's shows can be deep and emotional, all while maintaining humor. Adults and children alike can benefit from Iroh's experience driven words.

10 "Life Is Like This Dark Tunnel..."

"... You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place." Metaphors are great, but imagine actually experiencing a dark, hopeless tunnel in person. In this episode, Aang and Uncle Iroh have a deep discussion about life. Aang is concerned, not really feeling up to handling his Avatar position.

Iroh reassures him that he's heading in the right direction. While he may feel immersed in the darkness, there is hope ahead. Uncle Iroh sure did get this one right!

9 "You Will Find That If You Look For The Light..."

" can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see." In The Legend of Korra, Uncle Iroh makes an awaited return. In the Spirit World, Iroh shows up to give Korra, the new Avatar, some reassurance. He looks older here, probably looking to be the age he was when he died. This just makes it all the more emotional!

On top of that, Korra is scared here and resorts to her childhood state. Seeing old Uncle Iroh and baby Korra interact here is overwhelmingly encouraging. By helping Korra here, and watching her succeed, Iroh reminds us that our mindset plays heavily into our life's outcome. There's always power in positivity.

8 "While It Is Always Best To Believe In One's Self..."

"...a little help from others can be a great blessing." In Avatar: The Last Airbender, stubbornness and rivalry are abundant. Iroh's nephew, Zukko, really has it out for Aang throughout most of the series. While Iroh is part of the Fire Nation, his thoughts and feelings about war are far different than his fellow Fire Nation members.

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Iroh encourages everyone to open up and not be so prideful. He believes in oneness, that all humans are connected and have good inside of them. His belief in this helps Zukko's development throughout the series. It also helps viewers see that it's okay to ask for help.

7 "You Must Never Give Into Despair..."

"Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts." It's really easy to give up hope sometimes. This is especially true in Zukko's case. His father hates him, his sister betrays him, and his mom is nowhere to be found. He feels the pressure to fight and defend evil, but that's not who he wants to be.

Iroh sees this in Zukko. He knows that his nephew wants to do the right thing, deep down. Here, he encourages him to keep hanging on and to not give into the darkness. Everyone could benefit from a quote like this one.

6 "There Is Nothing Wrong With Letting People Who Love You Help You..."

Iroh encourages her to not be so prideful. This emotional, yet humorous quote is a great reminder of how we could all use a little help sometimes. Even if it's from tea-obsessed strangers in the middle of nowhere!

5 "Understanding Others..."

"...the other elements, the other nations, will help you become whole." Empathy is important. Without the ability to understand others who aren't like us, we can grow cold. There's no better way to become a stronger person than by stepping into the shoes of others. And yes, this includes our enemies, too!

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Uncle Iroh knows all about this. The four nations need to come together rather than view each other as enemies. Iroh wants peace and unity within the nations, which is aided by Aang learning all four elements. This is a great quote that references peace, not war.

4 "At My Age, There Is Really Only One Big Surprise Left..."

"...and I'd just as soon leave it a mystery." While Uncle Iroh is definitely funny, he can always find a way to make even the funniest quotes emotional. Here, he talks about how the only surprise left for him is his death date. And he'd rather not know when that's going to happen.

Otherwise, how fun could life be? If we knew exactly when our time was up, we'd just sit there constantly worrying and awaiting it. This is a great quote that encourages us to live life to its fullest without worrying about what day may be our last.

3 "Leaves From The Vine, Falling Like Snow..."

"...Like fragile tiny shells drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy comes marching home, brave soldier boy comes marching home." Speaking of death, this is one of the most emotional scenes throughout Avatar: The Last Airbender. Here, Iroh grieves his son who died in the war. He sings this emotional song, paying homage to someone he wishes he could have protected.

Iroh was once a commander in the Fire Nation, and when his son died, he had to retreat. This made him out to be "weak" according to other Fire Nation members, but in fact, he was truly the strongest of them all. This hard lesson is a great reminder that winning isn't worth it if costs someone's life.

2 "Failure Is Only The Opportunity To Begin Again, Only This Time, More Wisely."

Don't give up just because of imperfections! This quote from Iroh applies to many situations throughout the show. One great example is when Aang is trying to learn Earth Bending from Toph. He doesn't exactly start off well, and he's really tempted to just give up.

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But if he had given into his disappointment, Aang wouldn't have been the successful Avatar that he ends up being. We can all learn from this by realizing that failure is just part of our growth. It's okay to mess up as long as we keep trying!

1 "Protection And Power Are Overrated..."

"...I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love." Avatar Aang has a lot of pressure on him in this series. He literally has to save the entire world. On top of that, he feels like he's just a small child, and he doesn't know how to save the world without also harming someone in the process.

Here, he asks Uncle Iroh's advice on whether or not he should let go of love in order to properly meditate. Iroh gives him genuine advice, claiming that love is better than power in all situations. This quote is both simple yet diverse. It's relevant on small scales and large scales alike, making it one of the many reasons that Iroh is one of television's best fictional characters.

NEXT: Avatar: 10 Things You'll Only Know About Toph If You Read The Comics

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